The aim of the study was to asertain the level of relavence attached to billboard as means of political infromation. The review of study was to find out the benefit billborad advertisment was on the public the theorical freawork used was individual diference theory and social relationship. Survey reserch method was adopted as the reserch design. While questionnair were the instrumnet used in fithering data. My population was Enugu North Metropolis. Jusgemnetal sampling technique was used to test the sampling size. Findings also shows that public perception of billborad did not affect candiate choice based on the conclsuion the resercher proved that respondents saw the electional process as credible but thar perception of process did not affect the judgmnetal of billboard.
Background of the study
Billboard as a method of advertising is one of the most significant media in developing countries. Billboard is a type of outdoor Advertising other forms of outdoor advertising include, banness, flyers, posters placed on auspicious and strategic places to catch the audience attention. It consists of black panels with a standardized size and border anchored on the ground and many are fixed on the walls or roofs. The advertised messages are usually printed on large pieces of paper and firmly mounted by hand on the top.
In our contemporary society, the colourful way billboards are used and the fact that they adorn every traffic passage way makes one wonder the impressions they create on people especially with regard to communication effectiveness. It is only one who did not step out of a room in a day that would not come across billboards which are every where outdoors. Their messages are colourful, competing, dramatic, bold and ambitious promissory notes.
The use of billboards has been around for many centuries. Prior to the advent of motor ‘vehicles, primitive examples of billboards were some times used to alert people travelling on foot, on horse back or by carriage that an inn could be found within a distance up the road. Along with naming the inn and providing an approximation of the distance of the establishment, the billboard would sometimes list some of the amenities such as clean beds, food and presence of facilities to house the carriage or stable the horse (Stanton 2008).
Stanton (2012) notes that billboards are often used for customer goods and has a considerable influence on the purchasing habits of urban dwellers. Orji (2002) agreed too, that billboards catch the attention of Urban dwellers due to their fine and colourful prints and imperative, ubiguitous nature. But just how do these Urban dwellers perceive candidates political advertising on billboards. Flan fan (2012) argues that billboards can deliver teenagers or old ones, noble or Ignoble, literates and illiterates, rich or poor. Billboards he said, “Can reach all of – their o language.
Apart from being cost effective, billboards also transcend the barriers of technical hitches that affect access to other print media as well as broadcast media. They strike the eyes because of sheer size. Those who have no power supply to power radio and television can be exposed to political advertising through billboards. Even those who have no time, those in transit are invaded by audaciousness, of political messages on billboards, it is a visual medium and their colourful method of advertising is one of the many reasons politicians make utmost use of billboards in reaching prospective voters across towns and cities. Bell observes that the impact of advertising on the consumer is to stimulate wants, to make people work harder and to earn more. It brings style, manners, morals, taste and standard of environment.