The office of recruitment selection and placement on organization. Effectiveness in many firms we investigated upon and analyzed. The 60 respondents from 17 insurance companies in Enugu metropolis, the hypothesis that formalized policies have significant and positive impact on organizational effeteness was tested. The issue between placement on qualified personnel in key functional areas and attainment of organization effectivesss was also tested.
It was found that through recruitment selection and placement of employee have some effects on organizational effectiveness.
It was pointed out that the overriding aim of organizational policy should not just only formulating formalized personnel. Such as fringe benefits remuneration promotion, higher pay training and development should also be considered.
From the analysis it was also found that most organization prefer the placement of qualified personnel in key functional areas, than promoting on employee who rose through the ranks often shy away from challenging responsibilities which may e associated with such promotion.
The effectiveness of an organization is function of high intelling decision ad policies manpower planning. It demands a goods knowledge of recruit, select and place an employee in an organization to achieve the employee.
The proper application of recruitment, selection and placement, policies an organization has been major concern of most personnel managers.
The proper application of recruitment, selection and placement, policies an organization has been major concern of most personnel managers. Where any the above mentioned procedures are not properly in the organization which in turn affects its effectiveness?
The effect of recruitment, selection and placement of employees on organizational emphasized. This is true because, it is can not be people are brought into the organization and it serially forms the basis for acquiring good quality employees in the organization will successfully achieve its objectives, its objective will be accomplished if the right caliber of employees are recruited, selected and successfully placed since organization goals and not different form the peers”
One of the test of an efficient personnel department is its ability of fill job position promptly and adequately. This means that the department must know the sources of different types of applicant for the job position that it has to full.
Recruit and selection alone are vital element commonly used in the process of employment. After recruitment and selection has taken place, the paternal job holder may either sent on training or not depending on the training needed and of course the feasibility of training before being placed.