1.1 Background to the Study
Secondary education system in Nigeria is charged with setting standards of knowledge and skills to be attained by teachers and reviewing the standards from time to time. It ensures the application of the curriculum at school through supervision and inspection exercises. In addition to that, it prescribes methods of testing the students at the end of their training so as to ensure quality products. It also initiates and promotes researches. It formulates policies for secondary education and practice in the country (Babalola, 2006).
The principals of secondary schools are the custodians of secondary education. They ensure the implementation of all the programmes developed through the National Policy on Education. The roles of the principals of secondary schools are therefore, not different from the roles of heads of other educational institutions. The role performance of the principals of secondary schools should include interpreting policy, executing curriculum programme, seeing to students and staff welfare, Also maintenance of equipments, physical facilities and training of staff, maintaining effective school community relations, interpersonal relationship, record management, communication, decision-making process and several others are required of the principals that will effectively lead to influence commitment and effectiveness (Cole, 2005).
The principal being the Chief Executive of the school should ensure that the policies and objectives, regarding the programme of the school are implemented and strictly adhered to. He/she also has the responsibility of promoting effective teaching and learning in the school. He must ensure that his employer appoints qualified and competent teachers to the school.
However, it is part of the principal’s duty to orientate new staff members to school life. The information provided would help the new staff to adjust to the new environment, and make the work easier to accomplish. Another role performance of the secondary school Principal is the maintenance of discipline for both staff and students. It was in view of this that Musaazi (1982) in Magama (2006) stated that discipline is orderliness, which is essential for good teaching and learning in school. A disciplined person is orderly, responsible, delightful, sympathetic, cooperative, honest, and considerate. He/ she always tries to do what is right and good at all time. The principals also perform the duty of controlling finances of their institutions. In support of the above assumption, Alabi (1991) in Magama (2006), stated that the success of any educational system depends partly on the total funds allocated to it at that level; and the supervisory role of the principal is to ensure the utilization of the funds effectively. The principal is the key person in the administration of the school where he/she performs specific tasks.
All his/her activities and those of the staff are geared towards the training of the learner. The principal supervises and guides the students. He must see to it that the students are punctual, properly dressed in their correct uniforms, honest and dedicated to their studies. Principal partakes in the discipline of the students where necessary. It is believed that the functions of the principal are synonymous with the administrative functions as posit by management theorists. How effective the incumbents of certain positions perform depends on how they are capable of handling the numerous administrative challenges before them (Bagobiri and Kassah, 2006).
Generally, secondary school principals must have strong interpersonal and leadership skills. Good interpersonal relationship is one of the keys to the success of any organization. School principals must find it challenging to promote interpersonal relationship within and outside the organization. They must be seen to encourage sharing of ideas between individuals and organizations. It is the psychological aspect of administration in any organization. Probably that was why Follett (1964) in Peretomode (2006) stated that it is not just the production and distribution of manufactured articles but to give opportunity for individual development and self-actualization through better organization of human relationships.
However, communication serves as a lubricator fostering the smooth operation of the management process. In support of the above assertion, it is stated in Bagobiri and Kassah (2006), communication helps managerial planning to be performed effectively.