Modern technology (it) come to spread everywhere it can be likened to a huge web, connecting all area by change. We may make significant changes in our process of doing business by using machines, but it is the change in every nature of what we do, brought about by the social change induced through the machines, that is the real meaning of technology to business.
As a result of the far – reaching changes in the technology. We can no longer think or talk usefully of just a computer. we must talk in the brother terminology of modern technology.
In speaking of so wide area it is necessary to concentrate once rain areas as with view in examining in detail the effect of modern technology (IT) in today’s business performance with a study of White Leaf Hotels and Zodiac Hotels Enugu.
With this in mind coupled with requirements of a project, this work has been divided into five chapters
In chapter one, an introduction not just into the topic at hand was made but also into the organization being used for a study – zenith international hospitality outfit.
In chapter two, due to its wideness, I decided to concentrate on certain areas, I am going to discuss, primarily, the application of hospitality modern technology (IT), I will also talk and discuss how management come to know and increase its capabilities in modern technology (IT) (through training, development etc) and how and why our government should enact policies bordering round this new revolution this is to mention but a few.
In chapter three, the method of research used will be brought to light, the presentation and analysis of collected data will be computed in chapter four.
In chapter five, I‘ll then state my finding and recommendation. This is where this research work will be concluded.
The evolution of computers is particularly attractive to depict since the current technology trend is effective and efficient through it. The hospitality outfits have widely adopted modern technology to reduce costs, enhance operational efficiency, and most importantly to improve service quality and customer experience. The link of computer to modern equipment that is used in hospitality outfits cannot be overemphasized. This is because the integration of computer to these equipment will help facilitate efficiency. Some of this equipment includes phones, emergency lighting, website, internet, automatic washing machine, microwave, drink dispensers, smart card doors, air conditions satellite etc. Singh and Kasavana (2005) predicted that future modern technology applications will probably rely on computer such as wireless infrastructure, and that online purchasing with cashless payments will become more commonplace. Providing services at the destination, now that mobile phones have become a necessity in this era of wireless communication (Langelund, 2007), cultural tourism has reacted by introducing multimedia museum guides that use mobile device screens to enhance the tourist experience (Stock, & Zancanaro, 2005). Mobile computers will allow the personalization of services according to preferences, language skills, and depth of information required. Hence, Buhalis and O’Connor (2005) further suggested that e-tourism in the future will be focused on consumer-centric technologies, and that organizations need to adopt modern technology to be able to offer this level of service and remain competitive and innovative.
A good recommender system should merge trust, exploratory browsing, and personal factors to suggest suitable solutions that will meet personal criteria and preferences. Semantic web technology could be used to create a tourism information system that allows tourists to extract the necessary data through query management facilities (Bergamaschi etal, 2005). Knowledge management of this type would enable the lodging industry to centralize their application system and would allow tourists to locate their required destination information in a convenient and easy way (Pyo, 2005).