Labour as a factor of production being the executor of distribution and production of goods is important contributor towards the economic growth and development of a country. The uncomfortability and unsatisfaction of the labour should be address as fast as possible. In other to receive the misfortunes, for easy communication to the government trade union formed to represent the entire labourers and communicate to the government on their behalf and also organize and manage them for smooth running of business in the country toward achievement of vision 2020 of millennium goal.
The history of the relationship which exists between employer and their employees, the world over is one marked by controversy and brought with maltreatment and injustice, with each party claiming to be victim. No mention of trade unions can be made without reference to the industrial revolutions of the
18th century which started in Britain starting in about 1760, which created the conditions in which trade unions began to grow.
The growth of modern trade unions began with the growth of the factory system which consisted in the use of water or stream power and later cold to drive the row machinery that led to the growth of factory employment and the doctrine of college industries. These attracted people away from their wearing looms to live in new towns that were situated around a factory or group of deplorable living quarters consisted of row of small brick houses for the workers and their families.
There were no clinics, hospitals or schools and bare farm of sanitation were provided, created breeding ground for different illness. The working conditions were no better. The working hours were long and tedious and could be anything between fourteen and seventeen hours. The wages paid were not commensurate with the period and amount of work done; not being sufficient to keep body and soil together, child labour was also practiced. It was against this type of background that trade unions began to crave in the early stages of formation, they were small and local and meeting place was restricted to a particular trade or profession.
Their meeting place was usually first in their different names or secretly on hillsides outside the towns and then in drinking houses.
Here they discussed about wages, hours and conditions of work. They also established sick and burial funds for members who lost their jobs, by each member paying in the each week to help one another in times of distress.
Employees at first and later, successive governments grow from strength to strength, efforts to check this development resulted in the combination laws of 1799 and 1800, which declared unions to be criminate offence against the people.
Although, these laws were later repealed it was not after workers and unions officials had suffered untold hardship in the form of prosecutions, imprisonments and some times death at the instagnation of employers and governments.
Similarly in government organization the development of trade unions has not been without its own fair share of problems from both employers and the government which often is also an employer of labour.
Trade union development was slow and generally emerged from the effort of workers to seek on improvement existing conditions through collective action.
This late growth of trade unions in the country did not however affect its development once the unions got started.
With a population of labour, about 11.15 million and a great proportion of the population engaged in wages earning unions in creating the right atmosphere for effective labour management relation and hence implications for national and government. It is in realization on this fact that over the years there have been calls for the establishment of viable and efficient trade unions in reality, though the relationship in recent years has not been a smooth one with incessant strikes and unsolicited intervention by government.
Recent development on the political scene have also had for reaching effects on trade unions in the country with the events of June 12, 1993 and ASUU,NUPENG and PENGASSAN, imprisonment of their key officials and the subsequent appointment of a sole administrator for the NLC.
Trade unions have been recognized for many reasons as playing a vital role in representing the interest of the employees. It is concerned with the regulation of employment relations.
It could be seen that, in all societies a trade union is an association of people at work or workers and in some cases employers as well. The legal definition of trade union as any combination of workers or employees whether temporary or permanent the purpose of which is to regulate the terms and conditions of employment tends for purpose of analysis to be too restrictive and somewhat misleading. How much a trade union goes in, to determine organizational growth deserve empirical inquiry. If the workers are positively rewarded, the tendency is that those who have the ability will perform their functions effectively and efficiently thereby increasing the growth of organization. The formation of trade union was to work towards the furtherance of workers interest as far as regulating the terms and conditions of employment is concerned.
Presently, in an effort to protect workers interest, unions and to deviate a little from that main goal. Some unions leaders even use the platform of trade union to settle personal scores.
Trade unions plays an important role on the government organization growth thereby ensuring a smooth process of settling organizational conflicts which will help to maintain peace and harmony. It fights for compensation to workers that suffer from injury while in service.
The terms and conditions of employment must be viewed very widely if the role and character of trade union are to be properly understood. It is true that the early unions came into being in 18th and 19th centuries in Britain and other industrialized countries as a means of fighting against the exploitative propensities of employment and to obtain improved wages and salaries and conditions of employment particularly as regards to hours of work. Today, however trade unions are concerned with the whole life style as well as the standard of living of their members.
Of the three pioneer unions and indeed for very many years on the trade union scene, the Nigeria union of teachers remained the best run and the best organized trade union. On 8th July 1931, nineteen delegates representing five centers, Abeokuta, Agege, Ibadan, Ijebu-ode and Lagos met at the C.M.S Grammar school Lagos. To inaugurate the Nigeria union of teachers. Officers appointed included such prominent men as Revd. I.O Ransom Kuti, president J.O Lucas and R.R. Kuye, vice president, T.K. Cameron, secretary and E.E Esau, assistant secretary. At this first meeting the aims of the Nigeria union of teachers were agreed to be:
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