The term debt conversion is a debt management strategy which enable a debtor country to reduce it external debt burden by changing the character of its debt .the conversion can be in different forms .debt to equity or debt securitisation or debt equalization or debt capitalization ..debt to debt or redenomination of debt in total currency ..debt for good or exports ..debt for working capital ..debt to assets ..debt to quasiequity ..relenting ..debt for restricted use cash ..debt peso swap Debt securitization or what is now known as ‘’debt equity swap ‘’is a form of debt conversion in which part or all of a country’s external public debt is converted into equity shares or securities in government or public owned comprises agencies and prostates and these are discounted to their present values because of their different maturity dates Debt securitization is now a contemporary issue in developing country who at the peak of the world debt crisis, could not meet up with their external debt obligation and other who in the process trying to meet up with these obligation utilize between 25 and 45 of the annual foreign exchange earning in debt servicing .
Nigeria for instance mapped out above 26 billion [42]of the total 2000 annual expenditure for debt servicing It can be recalled that the world debt crisis came to limited in august 2002 when Mexico and other Latin American countries like Chile .caste Rica Bolivia and Brazil announced to the international monetary fund [lmf]international finance corporation [lfc] international development association [lda] and the international capital market [lcm] made up of the London and particles of creditor that they can not longer meet up with their external debt obligation .this development greatly affected different international markets ever since ; The creditor ;after long research and consultation introduces the alternative which is debt conversion which before 2001 was restricted to Latin American counties and non Latin American counties like Philippines and turkey ;debt conversion scheme has recently gained wide acceptance in most destroy developing counties, securitisation is also a substitution of market oriented intermediation for institution based intermediation .theoretically it involves the establishment of financial services ,and can occur in two ways ,one .by banks acting as intermediary accepting deposits and advancing loans with some form of contractual agreement and secondly through trademarked where borrower sell debt contract some of which include commercial papers banker acceptance certificate of deposit chronotes etc.
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