The purpose of study was to assess the service delivery, constraints and prospects of potable water supply and sanitation in Benue State: A case study of WaterAid Nigeria. To achieve the purpose of the study, thirteen objectives with corresponding research questions were posed and three null hypotheses. The study utilized case study research design. The instruments for data collection was 11 items researcher self developed service delivery, constraints and prospects of potable water supply and sanitation questionnaire (SDCPPWSSQ) and service delivery, constraints and prospects of potable water supply and sanitation observation proforma (SDCPWSSOP). Data collected from 348 respondents were used in the data analysis. Percentages and means were utilized in answering the research questions, while t-Test and Chi-square statistics were utilized in the verification of the hypotheses. The following results were obtained. Potable water supply(1.38), refuse disposal services(1.38) and sewage disposal services(1.93) were inadequate, The respondents identified inadequate funding 3.10 , lack of government legislation3.09 ‘,and inadequate manpower 2.65 > 2.50 as constraints to the provision of potable water supply and sanitation They also indentified extension of pipe borne water supply (94.0%), effective monitoring and evaluation (87.1%) covered refuse vehicles (89.1%), extension of sewage systems (90.5%), research (89.1%), private sector participation (86.2%) and supply of resources (86.5%).There was no statistically significant differences between semi urban and rural areas regarding the service delivery. There was no statistically significant difference between semi urban and rural areas regarding the items on constraints to the provision of potable water supply and sanitation There was no significant difference between semi urban and rural areas regarding the items on prospects of potable water supply and sanitation Based on the findings, discussions and conclusions; recommendations were made among which are : there is need for the Benue State government and donors to provide safe and adequate water supply and sanitation to all the people in the State to bridge the existing gap. They should also provide adequate funding of water and sanitation project and recruit additional qualified staff. This will ensure the desired improvement as well as raise the standard of living of the beneficiaries.
Background to the Study
Provision of potable water supply and sanitation is significant to people all over the World. In recognition of its relevance, WHO (1978) made potable water supply and sanitation component of Primary Health Care delivery System to achieve for the people of the World by the year 2000AD. WHO the same year, set basic human urban and rural water requirements at 60 lcpd per capita per day for all the people of the World. The WHO regards the provision of adequate potable water supply and access to sanitation as a basic right of every one.
Potable water supply in the study refers to that substance that is free from impurities, pathogenic organisms or other harmful elements which is without taste or odour, aesthetically appealing and socially acceptable for human consumption. Without adequate water supply, there cannot be sound sanitation. This is due to the fact that water is used for most sanitary practices such as washing, mopping floor and flushing of toilets. Sanitation in the study refers to the science and act of preventing diseases, promotion of health and management of waste so that waste does not constitute hazard to man and other creatures in an environment.
Nigeria being conscious of the benefits of sanitation signed the United Nations treaty on International Drinking Water and Sanitation Decade whose major objective was to ensure the provision of public potable water supply and sanitation to the people of the World between 1981 -1990. The history of water supply and sanitation programme dated back to 1966 under regional administration. The water supply and sanitation programme in the country as at that time was limited to few cities and towns (NWSSP, 2000)
Water Board was later established in the 36 states of Nigeria including Benue State. NWSSP, (2000) reveal that Nigeria, UNDP and other support Organizations gather hydrological data for the management of water supply and sanitation to Nigerians. Despite collaborative effort by government and non governmental organizations to provide potable water supply for the people; the issue of potable water supply and sanitation coverage in the country was still low. The trend was attributed to inadequate planning and faulty implementation of public water supply and sanitation in the State.
According to Ocholi (2006) inadequacy and unsatisfactory safe water supply and sanitation led to outbreak of Guinea worm and other water and sanitation related diseases in Oju Local Government area of Benue State. Adequacy in this context means that all the people in the project areas are provided with enough water supply, while satisfaction in the context of the present study refers to utility derive from adequate potable water supply and sanitation services.
In order to combact epidemic arising from water supply and sanitation, WaterAid Organization was invited by the Department for International Development (DFID) to Benue State in 1996 to implement water supply and sanitation programmes in urban and rural areas of the State. Urban refers to a geographical area that has essential social services such as good network of roads, power supply, safe water supply and sanitation among others. Rural refers to areas with poverty linked characteristics which distinguish them from towns and cities. Ebisemiju (2006) defined WaterAid as International Non Governmental Charity Organization with its headquarters in the United Kingdom. The Organization was formed in response to the International Drinking Water Supply Decade in 1981-1990. According to him, the branch of WaterAid International Organization in the country is referred to as WaterAid Nigeria. Contributing, Ocholi (2006) stated that WaterAid Nigeria mandates include provision of potable water supply and sanitation services to the people of the World including Benue State.
To achieve the set goal, WaterAid International Organization moved its office to Oju in 1997 and began pilot water and sanitation development process. WaterAid staff held advocacy meetings with the stakeholders which made the government and the host communities to support the projects; and the Benue State Water Supply and Sanitation Policy Draft of 2005. When this policy is signed into law, it will be a product of the National Water Supply and Sanitation Policy of 2000AD. WaterAid has also trained core and volunteer staff for the provision and management of water supply and sanitation projects in the State on resource management. According to Ocholi (2006) community management refers to being in charge of their water supply and sanitation services by selected representatives of the people.
There is another water supply and sanitation management committee at the Local Government which is the top most management committee at this level. The body comprised highly influential personalities including chiefs, religious and opinion leaders. At the state level, the body is known as advocacy committee, and comprised first class chiefs, religious leaders; representatives of the State Planning Commission, Civil Society and the Media Organizations. The group lobbied top government executives and WaterAid partners to support the service delivery of water supply and sanitation projects in the State. They assess and select vulnerable local government areas for sitting water supply and sanitation projects in Benue State.
Ishan (2008) stated that the Media Network and Civil Society Organization were incorporated into the water supply and sanitation committee so as strengthen the forces of lobbying for support and to foster monitoring mechanisms from the State to the grass root level in intervention Local Government Areas and the benefiting communities. According to her, the monitoring is expected to bring about greater success in the programme implementation after the leadership example of the incumbent Governor of the State.
WaterAid has facilitated the formation of Water and Environmental Sanitation Unit (WESU) in seven local government areas in the State. Each of the unit is staffed with a team of professionals from different background seconded to the units. They are known as WESU staff. The teams were retrained by WaterAid Nigeria to implement water supply and sanitation projects in the intervention local government areas and vulnerable communities with manpower support from the Organization and other Non Governmental Organizations.
WESU staff in collaboration with WaterAid Nigeria facilitates selection and training of Water and Environmental Sanitation Committee (WESCOM) resident in each of the project communities in the State. The committee members were selected by each community and trained to manage water supplies and sanitation in the project communities.
They also facilitate community selection of another group of volunteers resident in each project community. The groups were trained by WESU and after the training, they are called volunteer hygiene promoters. They educate people in each project community about the importance of having and using latrine and other sanitary systems, hygienic use of safe water and good sanitation practices as well as adequate refuse and sewage disposal. For example washing hands with water and soap or with water and ash after toilet, before breast feeding babies, before preparing, serving and after eating meals; cleaning of households, toiletries and at critical times by observing good hygiene and sanitation
Observation shows that WaterAid Nigeria has been sinking boreholes, shallow wells and rain water harvesters in urban and rural areas of the State. Those water supply systems are managed by the water supply and environmental sanitation committee in the project communities. The committee ensures hygiene and sanitation of water sources, even distribution of water to people by households, maintenance of law and order around public water sources, collection of water tariff, management of water supply and sanitation services in project communities. Water tariff refers to water charges. In-addition to those duties, they monitor and report on water supply and sanitation to their communities, local government authority and WaterAid Nigeria.
WaterAid Nigeria also facilitates community selection and retraining of resident mechanics at the local government area headquarters and selected community artisans re-trained as village level operation and maintenance personnel which repair and maintain broken hand pumps in project communities. WaterAid Nigeria in- cooperated the services of some private sector operators (PSO) in whole sale business mainly on water supply and sanitation. The PSOs were re-trained by WaterAid Nigeria in various types of business transactions so as to stay longer in business so that they promote hygiene and sanitation. . The group, educate people to adopt household latrines and to practice prompt refuse and sewage disposal. For instance, WaterAid Nigeria empower sanitation operators with seed stock which they use to transact water supply and sanitation materials and sell at affordable prizes to members of each project community under the supervision and monitoring by the local government staff so as to achieve effective service delivery.
The Organization has trained community artisans which build improved traditional pit latrines by the use of local materials which many families can now access sanitary facilities and services. According to Orji (2007) teaching people about sanitation and private sector participation are approaches aimed at modifying peoples behaviour regarding adoption of sanitation option of their choice from improved simple protected pit latrines to pour flush latrines and other sanitary practices such as use of refuse pits, sewerage connections and compositing. Adequate sanitation promotes health and well being of the people. Commenting further Orji (2007) stated that community led total sanitation (CLTS) provided a new approach to sanitation. He maintained that CLTS involves facilitating a process of empowering rural communities to stop indiscriminate defecation by building and using latrines in households through participatory services.
Procter (1996) defined service as a system or organization that provides for basic public health needs. For instance, WaterAid Nigeria facilitates the provision of pipe borne water supply in public places for the supply of safe water to the people; including the less privileged in urban or rural communities. According to Allen and Graham (2002) service refers work or duty carried out for a person, organization or country especially when considered as contributory to the welfare of others. In the context of the present study, service delivery means work, duty or things provided for the welfare of others persons.
There are various services such as agriculture, education and industrial services but the study focused on health service delivery, precisely water supply and sanitation by WaterAid Nigeria. From observations, it appears certain factors constrain the service delivery by WaterAid Nigeria in Benue State. According to Hornby (2005) constrain refers to anything that limits or restricts a programme. Alaba and Alaba (2001) stated that poverty, level of income, level of education, age, location of facilities, facility characteristics, lack of fund, and lack of manpower constrained adequate provision and utilization of public health facilities in many Nigerian cities.
Tarimo and Creese (1990) discussing constraints stated that lack of community involvement and participation in health service delivery is a major constraint to health programme. They further stated that involving political leaders rather than the public in planning and implementation of health service delivery pose obstacle to the success of any programme. WHO (1992) identified the following constraints to water supply and sanitation programmes. They include: inadequate funding, inadequate trained personnel, insufficient health education efforts, logistic problems, lack of operation and maintenance, inadequate community involvement and participation, intermittent water supply, inadequate cost-recovery and inappropriate institutional frame work.
WHO (2000) stated that lack of fund, poverty, level of education, government policy, gender inequality, poor implementation strategies and natural disaster contributes to the problems hindering the provision of potable water supply and sanitation in urban or rural areas in developing countries including Nigeria; and perhaps Benue State where the study is being carried out. In the context of the study, constraint refers to any thing that constitutes obstacle to the service delivery, potable water supply and sanitation by WaterAid Nigeria. Contributing, Ifatimchin and Musa (2008) reported that lack of funds, institutional problems and logistic problems constrained the provision of safe water supply and sanitation
Every human effort is bound to face constraints supposedly experienced by WaterAid Nigeria on the way to achieve the target of facilitating communities to acquire self reliance potable water supply and sanitation by people all over the World including Benue State. However, optimists believed that beyond every obstacle, there abound prospects. Robinson and Davidson (2006) described prospect as the chances of success, improvement, or recovery. They further stated that prospect refers to opportunities for advancement and promotion of a programme, such as the service delivery of potable water supply and sanitation by WaterAid Nigeria. Lucas and Gilles (2006) maintained that to guarantee safe water supply and sanitation to all the people is costly, such that government alone can not afford it for all the people. In this connection they suggested private sector participation in the service delivery of safe water supply and sanitation.
Agreeing with the above, UN (1990) stated that pipe borne water supply should be connected to public places including churches, mosques, industries, settlement areas as well as individual households. Lucas and Gilles (2006) maintained that to provide constant safe water supply and sanitation to all the people is costly. They emphasized that government alone can not afford to do that for all the people. In this connection they suggested private sector participation in the service delivery of safe water supply and sanitation. Lucas and Gilles (2006) further advocated for research and application of research findings either for solving constraints or to promote innovation in the provision of safe water supply and sanitation.
Lucas and Gilles (2006) also contended that there is need to monitor and to evaluate the service delivery of potable water supply and sanitation. Monitoring involve systematic oversight of the service delivery of potable water supply and sanitation to ensure its success; while evaluation is the assessment carried out either at the formative phase when the service delivery is in progress or at the summative phase to ascertain the level of success or failure of the programme. The results of the assessment are critical and could be used as yardstick for deciding whether the programme should be continued or other-wise. They observed that each community should participate in the planning and implementation of water supply and sanitation to enhance their contribution especially in the area of monitoring, and maintenance of resources which is fundamental to the success of any health service delivery as it promotes sustainability of such programmes. Prospect in the context of the present study refers to those things that enhance the provision of potable water supply and sanitation by WaterAid Nigeria.
Ifatimchin and Musa (2008) stated that development of water acquifer, provision of more bore holes within the arc view of geographical information system (GIS) 0.3km apart and 30 km from sanitary facilities, adequate funding, community participation, affordable pricing system, education on the costs and benefits, fragility, replenishment and contamination, implication to health, economy and rain harvesting are ways of improving water supply and sanitation.
Consequently, Bamigboye (2005) stated that the need to promote the provision of potable water supply and sanitation has been recognized by governments and development agencies. According to him, a lot of effort has been made by WaterAid Nigeria in providing water supply and sanitation hard wares to vulnerable communities in Benue State. Contributing, Jagha (2006) stated that WaterAid Nigeria had invested a lot of fund on water supply and sanitation but the out come of the projects implemented was not documented for sharing to improve the programmes. She contended that there were lot of observable progress made during implementation of the service delivery but there was inadequate empirical data to compare the results. On the basis of this, the researcher got the challenge to assess the service delivery, constraints and prospects of potable water supply and sanitation in Benue State: A case study of WaterAid Nigeria
Benue State is situated in 34,059 square kilometers vegetational grassland, middle belt region of Nigeria. The State was created in 1976, and share boundary in the North with Nassarawa State, South by Taraba State, East by Enugu State and to the West by Kogi State. The State has two major tribes, Tiv and Idomas. Others are Igede in Idoma and Etulo in Tiv speaking areas. The main occupation of youths and adult population is Agriculture. There are few civil servants and petty-traders. Benue State has 31, 400 square kilometer grassland rich for different agricultural products (NWSSP, 2000). River katsina-Ala in the State is famous for Aketa festival and river Benue the second largest river in Nigeria from which Benue State derive its name. Federal roads which pass through the area attract influx of migrants from all over the country and Africa sub region to the State.
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