Proper breastfeeding
practices are effective ways
for reducing childhood
morbidity and mortality,
while many mothers
understand the importance
of breastfeeding, others are less knowledgeable on the benefits of breastfeeding and weaning. The aim in here i to
assess breastfeeding pattern, infant formula feeding pattern, and weaning introduction in Nigeria and to investigate
the factors that infant nutrition. 150 mothers were interviewed using a questionnaire which was designed to elicit
information on infant feeding Statistical analysis were done using random sampling, whereby chi-square tests were
used to evaluate relationship between different selected variable. The prevalence of breastfeeding practice in Nigeria
has risen from 72% in 1991 to 93.4% as found in this study, while only 17.9% breastfed their children exclusively for
the first 6 months, and the mean duration of EBF (exclusive breastfeeding) is 2.1 months. Complementary feeding
was more commonly initiated around 4-6 months (75.2%). Despite the fact that 60.6% of mothers initiate breast
feeding and 26.1% of mothers are found to breastfeed up to 2 years, the practice of EBF for the first 6 months is low
(17.9 ). Factors found to influence infant feeding practices are type of delivery, parity, method of delivery, occupation, education problems.
Adequate nutrition during infancy and early childhood is essential to ensure the growth, health, and development of
children their full potential. It has been recognized worldwide that breastfeeding is beneficial for both the mother and
child, as breast milk is considered the best source of nutrition for an infant.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that infants be exclusively breastfed for the first six months,
followed by breastfeeding along with complementary foods for up to age or beyond. Exclusive breastfeeding can be
defined as a practice whereby the infants receive only breast milk and not been water, other liquids, tea, herbal
preparations, or food during months of life, with the exception of vitamins, mineral supplements, or medicines. The
major advantage of exclusive breastfeeding from to 6 months includes reduced morbidity due to gastrointestinal
infection. However, manyresearchers are questioning there is sufficient evidence to confidently recommend exclusive
breastfeeding for 6 months for infants in developed countries due to the fact that breast milk may not meet
the full energy requirements of e average infant at 6 months of age. Nevertheless, there is scanty data that give
estimation about the proportion of exclusively breastfed infants at risk of specific nutritional deficiencies.
Several studies have shown that mothers find it difficult to meet personal goals and to adhere to the expert
recommendations for continued and exclusive breastfeeding despite increase rate of initiations. Some of the major
factors that affect exclusivity and duration of breastfeeding include breast problems such as sore nipples or mother’s
perceptions that she is producing inadequate milk, societal barriers such as employment and length of maternity
leave; inadequate breastfeeding knowledge; lack of familial and societal support; lack of guidance and
encouragement from health When breast milk or infant formula no longer supplies required energy and nutrients to
sustain normal growth health and development, complementary feeding care professionals. These factors in tum
promote the early use of breast milk substitute.
When breast milk or infant formula no longer supplies infants with required energy and nutrients to sustain normal
growth and optimal health and development, complementary feeding should be introduced. According to the WHO
recommendation, the appropriate age at which solids should be introduced is around 6 months owing to the
immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract and the renal system as well as on the neurophysiological status of the infant.
Factors that influence the weaning process include infant feeding problems such as refusal to eat, colic, and vomiting
among These factors represent challenges for mothers and in tum direct or indirectly influence the feeding pattern
Hence, understanding the factors affecting infant nutrition in Nigeria can help in developing strategies to promote
breastfeeding and overcoming problems faced by mothers and children.Predictors of breastfeeding and weaning practices vary between and within countries. Urban or rural difference, age,
breast problems, good breastfeeding practices, mode of delivery, heal system practices, and community beliefs have
all been found to influence breastfeeding in different areas of developing countries. Information on the prevalence and
factors influencing infant feeding practices is limited in Nigeria and dates back to 1996. This present study determine
infant feeding pattern and its predictors among Nigerian mothers with the following objectives: to elucidate
breastfeeding practices, in terms of initiation, exclusivity, and termination, and the factors influencing them; to
determine the time when weaning starts, the challenges met by mothers, and the type of weaning adopted.