Thinking wrong, believing wrong, acting or working wrong always lead to inefficiency in the life of any organisation. This project is aimed at ascertaining the extent to which staff management functions are applied in Ngor-Okpala local government council. In chapter one, an over view of staffing as a function in the management of an establishment was explained. A short history of Ngor-Okpala local government was expressed. The chapter also contain the statements of problems, purpose and significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and research questions. Chapter two summary reviews literature on staff management activities, who performs personnel functions, personnel policy, principle on which personnel policies are based and challenges of personnel management. While in chapter three the research methodology and design which includes data collection, nature of population and sample size, sample technique, validity and reliability of method of investigation and method of data analysis were all expressed in details. Chapter four deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data. Chapter five concerns itself with the summary, conclusion and recommendation.
Title page
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv
Abstract vi
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 3
1.3 Objective of the study 5
1.4 Research questions 6
1.5 Significance of the study 7
1.6 Scope of the study 8
1.7 Limitation of the study 9
1.8 Definition of terms 10
2.0 Literature review 15
2.1 Introduction 15
2.2 Local Government Administration
and staff Management 17
2.3 Functions of Local Government 20
3.0 Research design and methodology 28
3.1 Introduction 28
3.2 Research design 28
3.3 Source/methods of data collection 30
3.4 Population and sample size 30
3.5 Sampling technique 31
3.6 Validity and reliability of measuring instrument 32
3.7 Method of data analysis 33
4.0 Presentation and analysis of data 34
4.1 Introduction 34
4.2 Presentation of data 34
4.3 Analysis of data 39
4.4 Interpretation of result 43
5.0 Summary, conclusion and recommendation 50
5.1 Introduction 50
5.2 Summary of finding 52
5.3 Conclusion 54
5.4 Recommendation 55
References 58
A grass root governance requires that the rural populace are represented in administration and in fact, all decision concerning their well being are made by them.
A smooth management of the economic, social and political welfare of rural area people promotes understanding among them and helps in the general development of a nation.
Local government administration is a grossroots administration set-up required to bring about these function and draw communities closer to the central government. This tier of government remains the simplest government which functions drew personnel from the various communities, that constitudes it. Its simplicity is further demonstrated on its adequate role of linking the rural community to the large nation, which would have posed a serious impossibility if it were not there.
Since the government is run by a group of personnel drawn from thee various communities, a commonest interest of development is achieved when the staff welfare is properly organized. The staffs of local government according to betts (1977) include all employees of the government included in its payroll except those engaged on manual occupation or hawking around the premises.
local government staff thus include clerical and professional staff engaged in such business as disseminating and collection of information, that concerns their communities people and staff welfare, staffing therefore imply the function carried out by the
member of personnel which are necessary for special advice and idea lined up for executive for efficient and effective management. Staffing in a local government therefore requires specialised individual having relevant skills and appropriate technical competence whose advice and ideas are communicated to actual executive of the organisation
The Ngor-Okpala local government was instituted by a full fledge third-tier of the Ngor-movement system. The local government is blessed with some cultural heritage which include their women cultural dance and traditional festivals the area has much natural endowment and widely distribution trade channels, which supports its income base.
Suffice to say that Ngor-okpala local government area required a critical survey since all these favourable natural and cultural endowment could not bring an outstanding development to the area despite all effort to afford the people good social and economic livelihood by the central government. Part of the blame has been on the staff management and control.
This study wants to bring out the best staff management strategy that can carry along the administrative network using the available natural and cultural endowment of the area to foster repid development in the area.
Many individuals have criticized local government council. Some criticisms were base on the fact that they cannot manage their resources efficiently due to low skilled personnel, while others blamed their inefficiencies on corruption among staff. The major issue here is that the administration is run by the people themselves and they could not be properly accounted for because the executives as well as the administrators always feel that the council though a public property, is their indigenous property, which they can handle without a check and balance by any other individual . No wonder the public fund allocated for productive activities in the local government over the years could not be properly accounted for.
However, a general conception by the inability to build up an independent local government through appropriate staff management are;
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