Tuoyo (1982) pointed out the electricity occupies a strategic position in the social and industrial development or any country and in indeed any company n industrial age, .he further affirmed that without electricity, economic and industrial activities might be paralyzed. The National electricity corporation ofNigeriaand the Niger Dams Authority development and allocation inNigeria. NEPA there fore, constitutes for the purpose of developing the vastNigeriafor the purpose of development the vastNigeria primary electricity resources as consumers.
The demand for electricity supply is rated higher than the supply provided by NEPA. This has led to, the irregular supply of electricity provided by NEPA inNigeriaespecially atEnugudistrict.. The significance of electricity is such better appreciated, when one realizes that all-manufacturing processes on whatever scale requires electric current. In fact, it can it be stated that in most cases, other sectors of the economy rely on the available of the electricity for its existence t and surval. NEPA was therefore, established to operate with a focus on social, economic and political objective which are expected to be met simultaneously. A critical examination of those objectives shows that there are conflicts in their simultaneous fulfillment. For example, resource mobilization ad revenue generation objectives are pure economic goals, which focus focus on equity principle a purely social goal. The combination and pursuance of these goals with spurious harmonization and sometime stifling ministerial comfort especially on pricing investment and administration decision create serious management, operational and organizational problem. These problems have reflected in the poor financial returns to investment in NEPA and also quality of institutional performance in terms of electricity supply distribution network system, irregular meter reading and billing illegal connection, successive production cost irregular equipment, servicing and maintenance.
Management must actively plan now for change and the effect of change (Thomas, 1985). New technology, trends in design, new consumer services, fashions in product, changes in labour market, competition among other must have to be planned for to be able to survive technological change of this information and age (livy, 1988). Peter sheal and weatherman (1982) averred that today, we are replacing the managers as order giver, with the manager as d mobilize, sensitize, and a coach. The order giver, manager have all the answer and tell every one what to do. While the manger, or sensitize know how to draw the answer out of those who know them best or the people doing the job. This is what Naissbitt and abundance (1990). Described as the necessary principles for co-operation. Co-production and cross-fertilization of ideas and exchange of formation and expertise. They Further affirmed that the resultant impact of the above necessary principle include: to stimulate workers to embark on change to discover the potentials inherent in their lives as man and apply those potential to become more althonomous, to encourage workers towards action in form of open expression based on critical view of ideas and interest. Sheal (1992) noted that there are four reasons why staff training has become more important in the growth and development of the present society. These four reasons include: