This project is a statistical analysis on pupils enrolment in the universal Basic Education in Kwara State from 1999 to 2009 It was aimed to verify if there is relationship among the male and female pupils. Correlation and Regression Analysis was used to analysis the data. From the analysis we discovered that the number of male and female pupils does not depend on one another. Also the analysis revealed that number of male and female increase progressively over the years in the enrolment and lastly the analysis revealed that male and female are significantly difference. Based on this findings, we thereby recommends that government should encourage their staff to embark on public enlightenment from time to time.
Kwara state was created from the old Northern Region of Nigeria in 1967. Although informal education has been going on in the state since ancient times, formal education started with the arrival of the European Christian missionaries in the 19 century. Their arrival brought about the establishment of primary education. This was later follow by the establishment of secondary education. The number of primary schools in the state rose to 1171 in 2004. Although the enrolment of pupils in the schools increased considerably perhaps because of the increased in socio-political awareness among the people which made them to see the need for self improvement. As such pupils enrolment in primary school rose to 524,130 in 2004, likewise the number of teachers in primary schools rose to 14,071 in 2004.
The rise in the number of primary schools in the state as well as in pupils enrolment in the schools was perhaps due to the introduction of the universal basic education (UBE) in 1999. Although the federal government of Nigerian had launched the universal primary education (UPE) in 1976, the scheme failed because of the problems of insufficient funding, limited infrastructure, inadequate number of teacher and poor management resulting from improper planning.
The universal basic education was the result of the 1948 universal declaration of human rights, which stipulated the right of every citizen on the world to education every member nation of the united national including Nigeria is signatory to this declaration.
The continued appearance of school age children having along the streets of major towns in Kwara state, Nigerian calls for immediate attention. The non-schooling gap created as a result of this is unprecedented while the dropout rate continues to increase. Although the universal basic education program has not been placed on a sound footing.
The failure rate of pupils in schools is unprecedented while the school system seem to have been played with various vices such as moral decadence, truancy, indiscipline and total neglect. The issue of whether pupils enrolment were increasing or decreasing in primary and secondary school in Ilorin East local government was the problem which this study intended to examine.
The survey is embarked upon in order to study the admission parttern of student in Ilorin East Local government in Kwara State.
The following are aims and objectives of the study.
- To verify if gender depend or year of admission
- To make a yearly comparisons on admission
- To determine the yearly admission of female pupils
- To test if there is linear relationship between the admission of the gender.
As pupils enrolment is very important in the state, Ilorin East local government needs to get enough funds to execute the program. The aim of this study is therefore to look critically into the problems facing pupils enrolment in universal basic education in Ilorin east local government area. It is also to proffer solutions to the problems in order to in turn be able to provide good and knowledgeable students for the populace.
What is the enrolment growth rate in primary and junior secondary schools in Kwara State, Nigeria?
Are there adequate number of teachers in primary school and junior secondary school for the universal basic education in the state?
What are the average class-size and teacher pupil ratio in primary and junior secondary school in the state?
What is the projection of pupils enrolment in primary and junior secondary schools in the state between 1999 and 2009?
What is the projection of teachers for the universal basic education in the state between 1999 and 2009?