There is absolute need for adequate stocktaking and stock control in an organization. The researcher lay more emphasis on stocktaking for efficient stock control of an organization. The project is divided into five chapters.
Chapter one deals with introductory of the aspect of the project. This entails general description of the study, such as problems and its setting, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, limitation and definition of terms.
Chapter two explicit more on the reviews of all materials that are related to the topic-stocktaking and stockcontrol as an avenue to organizational growth, the rationality of the research topic and relevant to its case study.
Chapter three deals with the explanation of how the methodology is used by the researcher in his work. The research design, sample size, method of data collection, method of data analysis and research population.
Chapter four explicit more on presentation, interpretation and analysis of data is mentioned in this chapter.
Chapter five deals with summary, conclusion and recommendation of the research topic.
Business management has various branches and no business enterprise ever succeed without all of these branches coming together to work effectively and efficiently as they should. If a part of human body is not functioning well, then the whole body will suffer the pain. This explains the relationship between the various functional departments of any business organization. If one department is inefficient or not functioning as it should, it will strongly undetermine the efficiency of others. This is why it is very important for all the branches in any organization to be harmonized and galvanized so that they will see themselves as one and aiming progressively to actualize a certain goal.
This is why materials management expert have confirmed it that materials are the heart of any organization, and because no human being can survive without blood, the organization cannot survive without materials, this is why conscious effort has to be made at acquiring materials in a way that will save the organization cost. These materials must be efficiently utilized.
Stocktaking and stockcontrol are those activities performed which are aimed at ensuring the availability of material both in the right quantity and quality. This helps the organization not to witness a stock-out situation or capital tie down inform of heavy stock carrying. And the method that can help in avoiding these two abnormal phenomena is considered to be a good stocktaking and stock control techniques exercise in the organization like the Nigeria Breweries