The project focuses on teenage prostitution in secondary school in Ndokwa east local government area of Delta state. The main instrument used for the research was the questionnaire. There hundred questionnaire were administered collected and analyzed, using T-test analysis four research question and hypothesis were formulated to guide the study, relevant literature were reviewed. Survey research designed was employed questionnaire were the instrument used and was validated by the research supervisor the secondary school. Finally the researcher made some statement of recommendation. If implemented will review the homes, school the state the nation and the society at large.
- Background of the study
Prostitution is an age long problem which has remained irrespective of different promulgation of law codes, decrees, etc to bring about its decay. Encyclopedia of health and education for the family has noted that right from Hammurabis code (17th Century B.C) considered to be the most ancient legal code in recorded history, we know that prostitution existed (both religious and secular). It could be noted that in the old testament, God asked Hosea to marry Gomer a prostitute to predict how unfaithful the Israelites were to him (Hosea 6: 1-11, 14). We could say perhaps, that prostitution has existed after the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In our contemporary world, prostitution has taken a new style and a new dimension, getting sophisticated as each day passes by the capitalist continue to build new infrastructure to expand their frontier and further their interest. Young graduate from the university are explored by the capitalist market mainly the financial sector to act as corporate commercial sex hawkers to their big time customer. These event are no longer news as they make headline on magazines, newspaper, radio and television. Irrespective of the heavy campaign on sexual trafficking, a situation where Nigeria young girls especially students are transported to western world for prostitution purpose the ugly events still persist. The Africa Journal of reproductive health in its finding on human sex trafficking in Nigeria prostitution in particular, support claim that poverty and unemployment remained the primary contributes to success of global trafficking. Prostitution is the act of indulging in sexual intercourse for payment or material needs. According to the encyclopedia of health and education for the family, prostitution is defined for the family, prostitution is defined as the practice, on the part of an individual, of continual and repeated sexual relations kin a random way with everyone who asks with the main goal being that of economic gain and not pleasure on the part of the one receiving payment. Webster’s Dictionary (2003) noted that prostitution is the offering by a woman of her body for the purpose of intercourse with men her.
The encyclopedia Britiianna (2005) noted that prostitution is the offering by woman of her body for the purpose of intercourses with men for hire. The encyclopedia Britannica (2005) sees prostitution as the practice of engaging in general with someone who is not a spouse or a friend in exchange for immediate payment in money or other valuable. Inspite of the sexually transmitted disease (STD) such as HIV/AID, Gonorrhea, etc that have dominated the sexual world the act of prostitute still flourished in many part of the world. We have made an attempt to look at the history of prostitution and its nature. But for the purpose of this study, prostitution shall be narrowed down to secondary school students. Prostitution among secondary school student is in no doubt a worrisome phenomenon. It is the act engaged by student between the age brackets of 12 years to 20 years, theses student indulge themselves in prostitution for the purpose of financial benefit not purpose perse. This phenomenon may have started out of promiscuity on the part of the student or violence which they might have been exposed to or more peer pressure as the case may be. The parents teacher media government and the society at large perhaps, may not be left but when pointing an accusing finger. Since the up-bringing and training of these young stars in terms of value and norms fall in the domain of each of these agent of SOCIALIZATION. Although encyclopedia Brittannica (2005) Observes that among some people prostitution has been required of young girls as a puberty rite or as a means of acquiring a do way and some religious require prostitution of a certain class of priceless. The society frown at this evil (prostitution) yet some of our lawmakers and part of member of the society is promoters and perpetrator. This ugly event characterized todays home videos depicting these unfortunate student as they are being exploited sexually by these aviants of our society all in the name making quick money. However, effort are being made to bring to an end teenage prostitution following the out-cry of meaningful citizens non-governmental organization and lawmakers in Nigeria. The truth remain that, just like any other social problem in our society and the worlds at large, prostitution wherever it occur cannot be eradicated I all its ramification. But can reduced to the bearest. Minimum it conscientious effort made on the part of government agents of socialization and the society at large. Therefore, this research work shall focus on the causes and effects of teenage prostitution in secondary school in Ndokwa-east local government Area of Delta state. It shall examine the inherent nature causes and affect in student themselves their parent the schools in Ndokwa east local government area.
The study intends to find out the cause and effect of teenage prostitution in secondary school in Ndokwa east local government area of Delta state. Inspite of the sexually transmitted disease (STD) such as HIV/AID, Gonorrhea, etc that has dominated the sexual world the act of prostitute still flourished in many part of the world. We have made an attempt to look at the history of prostitution and its nature.