Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of contents vi
Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 8
Purpose of the Study 9
Research Hypothesis 10
Significance of the Study 11
Scope of the Study 12
Definitions of Key Terms 12
Meaning of Drugs Abuse 14
Types of Drugs Abuse 19
Causes and effects of Drug Abuse 21
Effects of drug abuse 37
Impact of Drug Abuse on students academic 41
Appraisal of Literature Review 42
Research Design 45
Population 46
Sample and Sampling Technique 46
Instrument of the Study 47
Validity of the Study 48
Reliability of the Instrument 48
Procedure of Data Collection 49
Result and Discussion 50
Presentation of Result 50
Discussion of Result 51
Analysis of Result 57
Discussion of the Result 57
Summary 59
Conclusion 59
Recommendation 60
References 62
Appendix 64
Background to the Study
Initially in view of contemporary Nigeria, it is obviously reflected that drug abuse has become a cankerworm that is being difficult to alleviate from the flesh of the nation.
It is so rampant that students almost indulge in this acts, in Nigeria nowadays a lot have been said and written on issues of drug abuse as it relate to youth.
Also, Nigeria youth have been caught up with their counterparts in developed country such as Japan, Britain e.t.c. with regards to the use of drugs and also the youth has inculcate act of drug abuse which effect the mind and produce changes in mind and behaviour of the youths.
For instance, Atolagbe (1985) said that in an attempt to become westernized and civilized Nigeria youth have been settled among. Such as heroine tobacco, cocaine and some other hard drugs that have severe effect on humanity.
Since the past twenty-one years Nigeria like other development country of the world have become increasing acquainted concerning the high level of involvement about drug abuse among the youths. Drugs abuse among Nigerian youth has been a great concern to every sector of Nigerian society.
President Olusegun Obasanjo (R.T.D Gen) in his Keynote address to secondary schools principal in 1977 remarked that a day hardly passed without some media reports on their examination leakage, student unrest, cases of indiscipline and drug abuse. All now becoming natural emergency which should be treated urgently and severely handled as it routine for many students to the extent that most can not effectively function their academically of other wise a without using drugs.
In accordance to “Ajala (1984) he stated the rate of which it is increasing one start wonder if our schools are meant to train to be drugs users who as well engage in some other juvenile delinquencies such as raping, arm robbery, picking pocket e.t.c. its not common that some students, who were not drugs users during their first year in school, get into act either through peer group that have engaged in the act or as manifestation from either through peer group that have engaged in the act or as manifestation from either parent at home.
This is so because peer groups are essential instruments to be contended as most students must have been warned against an act like drugs abuse. From home yet still involved actively as a drug have a lot of negative effective of drug abuse as millions of addicts are withdrawn from productive activities and drug add to the cost of medical car, disruption of families and the load of (U.N.O) Secretary General was quoted by news daily Sunday Tribune March 17th (1991) to have said illicit drug wherever they are produced or used contaminate and corrupt the very fabric of society increasing worldwide abuse which is destroying uncounted useful lives” involve, from experience some students do take drug when they are well having it in mined that the ailment would be cued.
Others involve in the drug abuse when they intend to do thing that need imperviousness to ones action like being invited to take in the public gathering and having no audacity to do so.
It is only hard drugs like cocaine, heroine, marijuana, alcohol, amphetamine and inhalants and so on that people abuse, but others like phensic, panadol, chloraquine, paracetamol and also being grossly abuse. It is unfortunate that despite the orchestrated propaganda against hard drugs teenagers still crave of the action of Nigeria kids between the ages of 8 and 13 residing in major cities like Lagos. Abeokuta, Ibadan are learning to overcome these difficulties time of hand drugs.
According to a Nigeria Daily Newspaper (African Concord 4th March 1991) stated that the selling, buying and sniffing of the illicit drug actually reach its peak between 3 and 6.
Aim each time to sniff more drugs in order to restore themselves to their state of drunken stupor.
According to Observes, they can do anything even kill just to get money with which to buy drugs and cure their jousting once they are looked unto drugs.
This country is now deep in social crisis. The types of dislocation our country has suffered in the past ten years, is so debilitating that one can’t just put the right hold for the sneer disharmony of many frightening magnitudes of homeless boys and girls, or the streets.
The main issue is that in a country gripped win evil of stagnation and chronic unemployment, the children are usually the first causalities when the crunch really get down.
Similarly the high court and tribunal officer Johnson in Tribune Newspaper of (March, 1982) said, the government is aware of this is deleterious effect of the abuse of drugs in the society and this is why a decree is promulgated to forbids the possession, warnings 1 Appeals. From private and public sectors that people particularly the student should desist from he abuse without talking the directive from medical experts.
In the case of hard drug; tribunal officer Johnson said in high count judge to determine punishment for those who err. To show the gravity of how to reduce it to the basest minimum through punishment humiliating acts have been publicity executed for this offence despite the human right organisation and professionals bodies world wide clamour and decency.
All these have given the researcher the concern for fellow students who are drug users. For instinct, Udofia (1981) said many students end up at psychotic patient at determent of their parent’s family and the nation at large because they would not be able to survive their preachment alone.
The incidence is on the increase among student and this demands critical assessment of researcher so as to minimize it for the betterment of our lives and the nation at large.
Statement of the Problem