Education is a highly rated public venture used as an instrument par excellence in natural development. Also Education is a process of receiving or giving systemic instruction especially at school or university, “a new system of public education”. According to fafunwa (2004) Education is an aggregate of all the process by means of which a person develops abilities and other forms of behaviour of positive value in the society in which he lives. Education is a life life – long process that is, the process of renewing or up – dating knowledge to ensure job security, effective social, political and economic participation continuous individual growth and development. (Nzeneri, 2008). According to Igbo (2006) Education is the process by which society deliberately transmit its cultural heritage through institutions such as schools, college and universities. It also prepares a person to perform justly, skillfully and magnanimously in war or at peace on the bases of acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes. Education is the process of remarking experience; giving it more socialized value through increased individual experience by giving the individual better control over his own powers Ozochi (2009). Credence is given to this view by National Objectives of Nigeria Education as seen in the second National Development Plan and endorsed as the necessary foundation for the National Policy on Education (NPE).
According to NPE (2004), the following are the aims and objectives of Education i. The inculcation of the national consciousness national unity ii. The inculcation of the right type of values and attitudes for survival of the individual and the Nigeria society. iii. The training of the mind in the understanding of the world and iv. The acquisition of appropriate skills, abilities and competencies both mental and physical as equipment for the individual to live in and contribute to the development of his society. Based on using education as a tool for the realization of the national objectives, various other achievement are expected from education in national devilment, such aims are as follow; better human relationship, self realization, individual and national unity. According to Olumba (2003), these aims can never be actualized if there are poor relationships existing between the teacher and his pupils. Bringing these aims to reality depends on the orientation of teachers and pupils in the educational system because good education requires trained and committed teachers, who will carry the pupils along with them to achieve the educational goals.
The purpose of introducing this study is to make the teacher-pupils relationships among biology teachers and their pupils in discharging their respective duties in order to achieve the aims of the National Policy on Education. Philosophy of education laid emphasis on human rotation in the process of teaching and learning. It is believed that teaching in every respect is a serious business and should be seen tot be so. As a banker is governed by certain principles which made him expert in his field, so is the teacher governed by certain principles which made him to be expert in his own area of specialization. Teaching is the process of inculcating in the learners the desirable knowledge, culture, skills, values and norms which will make him to be useful to himself and the society at large. Therefore to promote the relationship between the teacher and pupils, the teacher must determine the best efficient and effective methods of teaching, the selected materials to create conducive learning experiences that will utilize the content associated with each objectives.
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