This project work was carried out to determine the effect of science practicals on effective teaching and learning of junior secondary school sciences in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State. The long held notion is that practicals offer students a more realistic experience in sciences but lunette (2008), reported that some educators have begun to question seriously the effectiveness and the role of laboratory work.
They opined that practical method of teaching is not self- evident as it once seemed. The result obtained from the sample schools, showed that integrated and computer science practicals have positive effect on academic performance of students. In all cases that was tested, practical methods of teaching integrated and computer were found to be superior to traditional theoretical methods . Chapter one and two are the background of the study and the review of related literature respectively. In chapter three, the research methodology and overall design of the study was presented. Chapter four, dealt with data presentation and analysis. The educational implication of the study, recommendation and summary were contained in chapter five. References and appendices were inclusive.
Science is a means of solving human problems (Abimbola 2010). He further emphasized that the progress of science is not marked only by accumulation of facts but by the emergence of scientific methods, translated in practical terms, into technology. (Onyeso et al 2009) posits that the ultimate way of teaching and learning sciences is by evidence based, practical methods. Sciences in this regards is with particular reference to integrated and computer sciences. Computer education is a field of study that consists of the teaching and learning of computer. Okolo (2007) had defined computer as an electronic gadget or device that accepts to produce the desired output or information with the aid of a set of instructions. On the other hand, Perez (2002) described integrated science as an encomposing all the fundamental sciences, package into relevant sets of instruction for building foundations of sciences in Junior Secondary School Students.
Practicals can be described as the aspect of education which is concerned with the incorporation of the relevant technical skill in a particular field of study. It is the method of education, training or retraining which is directed towards developing the learner to become productive in that area of study as well as equipping the students with in-dept knowledge of that area of study. It is therefore the bedrock in which a country’s socio economic, technological and cultural advancement must be built. We value science (as a product, as an enquiry process and as a social institution) because of its success in explaining phenomena in elegant and parsimonious ways, which are intellectually satisfying and which often facilitate the purposeful manipulation of objects materials and events.
The aims of science practicals might then be summarized (Encyclopadia ikipodia 2009) as: i. To help students to gain an understanding of as much of the established body of scientific knowledge as an appropriate to their needs, interests and capacities. ii. To develop student’s understanding of the methods by which this knowledge has been gained and our grounds for confidence in it (knowledge about science). iii. To improving student’s scientific knowledge as theories are integrated into practice. The idea is that students are taught out to carry their on scientific enquiries and so acquire scientific knowledge for themselves. Clearly practical work has a central role in any such vision of science education
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