1.1 Back ground of the study. 1
- Purpose and objective of the study. 3
- Scope and Delimitation of the study 3
- Limitation of the study 4
- Statement of the problem 4
- Hypothesis. 5
- Definition of terms 6
- Assumption of the study. 7
Chapter Two
- Review of related literature. 10
2.1 Concept of taxation 11
- Objectives of motives of taxation. 16
- Classification of Taxes 18
- Principles or canons of taxation 20
- Role of taxation in developing countries 31
- Concept of depressed economy. 33
- Characteristics of a depressed economy 33
- Course of Economic depression 34
- Taxation during depression 35
- Taxation during inflation. 36
- Taxation and the self employed 38
- corporate tax and capital allowance during 39
- Effects of taxation. 39
- Economic effect of taxation 43
- Effects of taxation on centralization and—
decentralization of office. 47
Chapter three
- Research Design and methodology. 48
3.1 The population 48
- The sample and sampling techniques 48
- Method of data collection 48
- Validity/ Reliability of Instrument 50
- Proposed methods of data analysis. 51
Chapter Four
- Data analysis and presentation 53
4.1 Analysis of data. 54
- testing of Hypothesis and statement. 62
Chapter five
- Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 72
5.1 Summary of Results. 72
- Findings 73
- Conclusion 75
- Recommendation 76
Bibliography. 80
The study of taxation is part of the study of public Finance which is concerned with revenue and expenditure of the government how they are receiving and disbursed and the effects of these operation on the economy since the power to tax is also the power to regulate the economy by the government it can therefore related it or stimulate it.
In modern times therefore, taxation has a dual purchase of:
- To realize fund or revenue for the state .
- To achieve it’s social and economic objectives.
It will be seen from the trend of events in Nigeria today that the revenue gotten from taxation is an immense benefit to the economic development of Nigeria. If the country must develop, it must truly depend on it’s internally generated revenue rather than on external sources especially now that the country is too much in debt.