The essence of information is to access and use it at the right time by those that need it. The introduction of computer systems in the services of the library has facilitated quick, easy and up-to date information access and use to the users. University of Uyo Main Library is an example of an academic library that uses computer services with numerous electronic documents. Therefore, this paper takes a look at the University of Uyo Main Library and the impact of computer operation in the library services and use. It takes an extensive look at the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, operational definition of terms, concept of computer, origin of computer, traditional library services, computerized library services, impact of computer operation service and uses in the University of Uyo Main Library. It is noted from literature that computer has great impact in library operation such as searching of materials for loan using online public catalogue (OPAC). Therefore many recommendations are made one being that workshops and seminars should always be organised for library staff on the use of computer in processing and information service delivery.
1.1 Background to the Study
Speedy advances in information technologies have revolutionized the role of libraries in providing library services to the users. As a result, libraries face new challenges, demands, and expectations. Libraries are redesigning services and information products to add value to their services and to satisfy the changing information needs of the user community. This requires that libraries become active participant in global information drive by making information resources available on the net for global consumption (Akintunde, 2006). As printed materials continue to deteriorate rapidly, digitization and automation of those materials would help to preserve original and reformatted copies for use. Many libraries are therefore, taking up the challenge of computerizing their libraries and few have taken some steps to digitize their library resources for easy web-based access while most other libraries are involved in automation of their collections. AkwaIbom State e-library is in the forefront of this initiative (Swain, 2010).
The development of computers has revolutionized modern society such that one wonders how life was conducted prior to the existence of computers and their peripherals. Like other fields of human endeavour, there is no aspect of library activity that digital processing is not applicable (Francis, 2008). In order to use the computer in information service delivery in the library, there is need to adhere to the modern methods of information storage, retrieval and dissemination in the digital age (Mazumdar, 2007). Ideally, the use of technologies of modern computer-based information systems is a major force that has transformed the traditional library methods used in cataloguing and classification, indexing, abstracting and other function (Aina, Mutula&Tiamiyu, 2008). It is expected that all technologies used in processing, storing and communicating data and information in libraries should be managed as an integrated system and be used as service delivery tools in libraries (Mlitwa, 2007).
1.2 Statement of the Problem
In the past two decades, countless challenges and opportunities have faced a library that digitalizes their resources as a result of information explosion. This explosion of information has made government and the management of libraries to reconsider and redefine competency to facilitate effective and efficient utilization of information resources in the library for users satisfaction. The continued proliferation of formats, tools and services in the libraries has deposed how the e-libraries acquire, process, store and disseminate information.
Library staff in this day and age of information explosion is expected to upgrade themselves and become competence in computer operation to facilitate proper expression of user education in order to satisfy their utilization of available information resources in this century. It is regrettable that the today’s libraries who are suppose to be completely digital to facilitate all form of services is currently facing the challenge of digitalization of library resources and users satisfaction with library services.