This research was designed to ascertain the impact of employee participation in management decision- making in an organization, using ANAMMCO Ltd as a case study.
Method / Findings:
In order to test the hypothesis of the study structural questionnaires of fourteen (14) questions were returned back to the researcher. The questionnaire was designed to include questions that will reflect the statement of problems of the research hypothesis. By adopting a Chi-square test statistics to determine whether the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is statistically significant at an Alpha level of 0.05. it was observed that:
i. In the case of hypothesis 1, the research findings indicated that the management of MB-ANAMMCO Limited does not encourage employee’s participation in decision-making. This null hypothesis was accepted.
ii. The result of the study for hypothesis 2, accepted the null hypothesis, which implied that low level of employee participation in decision making. Non-participation of employees in decision-making did not cause a decline in productivity in MB-ANAMMCO Ltd
It should be recanted that a decision is a choice where by a person forms a conclusion about a situation. Costello, 1. wand zalkind, S.S. (1963 P. 334), confined the term decision making, to a choice process, choosing one from among several possibilities, however, decision theory in Costello, T. w et al (1963, P 387) largely considers decision asking the process of making a single choice among course of action at a particular point in time this depicts a course of behavior about what must be done or vice versa. Decision is however, the point at which plans, policies and objectives are translated into concrete actions. Planning engenders decisions guided by company policy and objectives, policies, procedures and programmes. The aim of decision making is to channel human behavior towards a future goal.
Decision-making is however, one of the most germane activities of management. It has been the preoccupation of all the management of multifarious organization ranging from small-scale organization to multinational corporations.
Managers many at times consider decision making to be the heart of their job in that they must always choose what is to be done. Who will do it, when where and most the time now it will be done.
Traditionally, managers influence the ordinary employees and specifically, their immediate subordinates in the organization. This has resulted in managers making unnatural decision even in areas affecting their subordinates.
In Germany, around 1951, a low enacted which provides for code termination and requires labour membership in the supervisory hoard and executive committee of certain large corporations. However the participation of labour in decision making process resulted to relatively and peaceful labour management relations.
Additionally, the Japanese management uses decision making by consensus in which lower-level employees initiate the idea and submit it to the next higher-level unit it reaches the desk of the top executive. If the proposal is approved, it is returned to the initiator for implementation.
It is in this context that the research wishes to assess the impact of employee participation in decision making on organizational productivity in Nigerian public sector organizations, using ANAMMCO Ltd as a case study.
There has been lost of controversy as to whether an employee should participate in managerial decision making or not. Some writers argued that employees should contribute in making decision more especially where it affects them or their jobs. It is expected that such participation will serve as training and testing ground for future members of upper management.
In Nigeria, experts that refuted the above assertion see the arrangement as a symptom of mal-organization. They maintained that, qualified, reasonably, honest and company oriented individuals are not available at these lower organizational levels. But, the big question is, qualified individuals really available? All these underlay the need for an investigation study.