The study was aimed at investigating the impact of lecturer-student relationship on students’ academic performance in delta state university, Asaba campus. The survey research was used in this study to sample the opinion of respondents. This method involved random selection of respondent who were administered with questionnaires. The target population of the study comprised students of Delta State University, Asaba Campus. The descriptive and analytical approach was adopted using Chi-square to test and analyze the hypotheses earlier stated. The findings revealed that lecturer-student relationship, student perception of lecturer, lecturer commitment and availability to student, student attitude have impact on students’ academic performance. It was therefore concluded from the findings that lecturer-students relationship has a positive effect on students’ academic performance. It was recommended that policy makers in education and lecturers should strive more to devise ways in school system patterns and internal school arrangements for instructors to offer other useful interactions and mentoring students besides just giving academic instructions.
- Background of the study
Among the most influential factor that an individual relates with, parents and teachers or lecturers are pivotal and very important in developing the mental picture of one’s self (Piantaet al., 2003). Based on theories of interpersonal relationships, it is postulated that teachers have a basic need for relatedness with the students in their class which can play a significant role in students’ self-concept and expectations regarding scholastic achievements and how to make meaningful life after school (Ewnetu & Fisseha, 2008). Hence a child’s self- esteem is the overall sense of support the child feels from the important people around, particularly parents and teachers (Tam & Fatimah, 2009). There is a gap between one’s ideal self and what he/she perceives to be his or her real self. When the discrepancy is large, the person sees himself as failing to live up to his own goals or values; hence lowering self-esteem. Self-esteem is developed at an early age through the influences of the parents or guardians and lecturers in particular at higher education. Relationship behaviour of instructors and parents greatly influences self-esteem and academic performance (Santrock, 2007). Because instructor-student relationships are essential to one‘s social and emotional development, they have the potential influence on how a student succeed in school. Many researches are on-going but not much is being done in Nigeria and particularly at the higher educational levels to assess lecturer-student relationship and its impact on academic performance of students. There is therefore the dearth of information and knowledge about how the relationship between lecturers and students are impacting on academic success and eventually professional performance after school. Hence this study aims at investigating the impact of lecturer-student relationship on academic performance of student at the university level
In the past, there were cordial relationship between teachers and students which encouraged learning, academic performance and achievement of students. There was a commitment on the part of teachers, respect and other cultural values were upheld by both parents and students. Teachers are role models to students and an instrument through which students could clamp the ladder of greatness in the society. Now, teacher’s academic support and drilling of students to attain success in all ramifications is diminishing due to certain avoidable factors. Teachers and students convey a range of goals, needs, feelings and behavioral scheme that affect the quality of the relationship they form and influence values of their experiences with one another in the classroom.
It is not an exaggeration to say that teachers and students relationship in Nigeria higher Institutions today requires serious attention if students are to improve their learning process, intellectual change and contribute to societal development. The negative perception of teachers by the majority of students cannot promote a positive relationship.
The bad attitude of many students to training is not encouraging as many prioritize their social activities at the expense of their study. Some students take part in associations that are unacceptable in the school community; such as cultism whereby members are terrorizing the lives of other students and teachers. Some get involve in examination malpractices and other vices that are contrary to social values of the educational system and the society. These are not commensurate to positive relationship between teachers and students. Lack of commitment and laxity of teachers in their quality of teaching and availability to help students in solving academic and psycho-social problems is affecting the students. Teachers’ exploitation of students remains a factor that could strain a relationship. Sexual harassment of female students from male students and male teachers is a big issue in the educational Institutions in Nigeria. Likewise female students’ sexual harassment of the male teachers in an attempt to pass examination remains a factor that makes positive relationship that can enhance good academic achievement difficult. These and others remain a problem in Nigeria higher institutions, and they could affect academic performance.