This research work on the impact of motivation and performance in an organization seeks to explain why workers strive to attain particular objectives or goals. Within the context of management the focus of interest lends to be on how to ensure that all workers perform at their optimum level. Many employees see money (or higher pay) as the only motivating factor. They therefore stress emphasis on economic incentives in order to improve overall productivity and efficiency. The argument therefore is that social factors like the need for esteem and affiliation are something which people seek after and value, in order to achieve recognition and responses from others, individuals will expend a great deal of effort The aspect of workers performance and motivating factors was considered in this study. The study dealt further on the problems and effect of motivation and performance. Discussion and findings on the impact of motivation and performance was looked into. It likewise encompasses the summary, conclusion as well as recommendations.
- Background of the study
Since management’s ability to analyzing and improving the motivation of its workers is of more concern to effectiveness and efficiency of the organization, motivation on workers performance refers to the entire class of drives, desires, needs, wishes and similar forces which causes, channels and sustains someone’s behaviour. Within the context of management the focus of interest on motivation tends to be on how to ensure that all workers perform at their optimum level. Managers who find the key to their workers inner motivations can tap an immense source of productive energy. Maslow (1954) identified that man is motivated by five basic needs (physiological, safety, love and belongings, esteem and self actualization) and will work accordingly. He ranked them as hierarchy, recognizing that as man developed his needs changed as the individual moves up the hierarchy. The major implication for management is that the needs of workers should be identified and gratified, in order to motivate the employee to work efficiently and effectively. Eltom Mayo recognized that above a certain level, monetary rewards ceased to have an effect and the operatives started to look for the satisfaction of other needs. Unfortunately, Maslow’s ideas have no clear practical application, because it had not been proved that by providing motivators to stimulate an individual’s need will result in more satisfactory work from other workers. Herzberg (1959) suggested that there are elements in a person’s work and working environment which causes job dissatisfaction (hygiene factors) and different elements which create job satisfaction (motivational factors). The implications of these ideas are that managers must deal with two completely separate issues when trying to obtain good work performances from their subordinates. Firstly, they should prevent dissatisfaction by attention to hygiene factors and secondly, they should encourage greater achievement by paying attention to motivator factors. There are many other theories explaining what motivates people at work. According to Penny Hacket, motivation at work comes from two sources, namely, intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction. As the name imply, intrinsic satisfaction is the derivation of satisfaction of the needs from the work itself, while extrinsic satisfaction is the deriving of satisfaction through rewards received for doing the work. The ways in which motivation and performance might be achieved are likely to vary, however, according to different circumstances and situations. An individual’s motivation to work will thus vary over time and will be influenced by different factors at different times.
Research has shown that management has due to its endemic antipathy towards new technology failed to motivate workers coupled with their performance throughout their employment. Rather they organize and manage other factors of production in order to achieve effective productivity at the expense of the workers. Therefore, this study is intended to evaluate and articulate the impact of motivation and performance in an organization set up using Total Nigeria Plc as a case study.
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