Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv-v
Proposal vi-vii
Table of Contents viii-xi
Chapter One
- Introduction 1-3
- Objective of the Study 3-4
- Significance of the Study 4
- Scope and Limitation of the Study 4
- Definition of Related Terms 5-8
Chapter Two Literature Reviews
- Definition of Leadership 9-12
- Nature of Leadership 12-13
- Leadership Theories 13-17
- Behaviour of Leadership 17-19
- The Concept of Management by Objective 19
- Merit of Management by Objective 20
- Implementation of Management by Objective 20-21
- Environment and System Problem in Leadership 22-27
Chapter Three Research Methodology (Nature and Source of Data
3.1 Primary Sources of Data Collection 28
3.2 Secondary Sources of Data Collection 29-30
3.3 Collection and Recording of Data 30-35
Chapter Four
- Hierarchy of Authority of Level of Management 36-39
- Finding The Right Style of Managerial Leadership 39-42
- Organizational Objective and Goals 43-44
- The effects of in services Training on Staff
Job Performance 44-47
Chapter Five
- Conclusion 48-49
- Recommendation 49-51
- References 52-53
Leadership has probably been written about formally, researched and informally discussed more that any single topic. Through history, it has been recognized that the different between success and failure whether in a business or basketball games, can be largely attributed to Leadership. It is know to have a tremendous influence or human performance, but it’s inner working and specific dimension can not be precisely slept out.
Despite these inherent difficulties a review of some of the widely known classics studies on Leadership can help to set a stage for the analysis at modern theories and styles of leadership.
Leadership is a key process in any organization. When a business venture is successful, it is the managing director who received credit. When failure occurs, it is usually the same individual at the top that is leadership series as the art of getting things done through other people instead of doing it himself. The essence of leadership is to influence other people.
If the right or quality are appointed into various position at different level in an organization, the issue of non performance by an organization would have been taken laid to rest because good leader would have taken a right decision either financially or otherwise in the course of attaining organization objective.
The concept of leadership is proposed by Kats and Kalin (year) they see it as applied to formally organized enterprises as “ the influence increment cover and above mechanical compliance with the routine directives of the organization design” these include supplementing the organization design with information necessary for person to perform their roles clarifying roles in view of the changing environment, and recognizing the fact that every role is part of an open social system that responds to change by being aware of the dynamics of an organized enterprise and interpreting them to those working in it and by making adjustment of human beings and desired contributions to goals.
History is repeated with instance of mediocre performance in the absence of Leadership and of super performance with every enterprise.
If it has other “make-work” goals that are its employees work with Zeal and confidence only them, can their morale e said to be high and they will achieve greater efficiency indeed, in competitive situation these condition are the way to preserve organizational existence. If it is true, as it is often said, that morale is three gainers of victory this mention of Leadership of therefore to include or persuade all subordinate goal in according with their maximum capacity.
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