This study was embarked upon in order to find out the problems and usefulness of marketing research in Nigeria Breweies Plc, Aba. Fifty (50) Questionnaire were actually received from and respondents based on the number administered to staff which comprises the top management and junior personnel in the company (Nigeria Breweries plc Aba) mores the following finding were make after the analysis of data collected and testing of the four hypothesis.
- That research should be contracted to external bodies
- That research should be done all the year round
- That the ultimate aim of every research 15 to maintain existing profit level.
- That research could be done in the electronic and communication gadgets.
Furthermore. Part from the above findings, recommendation were make as follow.
a. Organization should pin point to the main reason and objective for a research before carrying it out.b. There should be proper and adequate education of consumer with regard to marketing research.
Marketing research is at the limit of marketing decision making and it is important to understand what is evolved and its place within the organization. This topic play an important role in helping manger in understanding new or changing trends in the markets, completion customers and wants.
Marketing research has helped a lot in marketing activities carryout a research in an organization is an important process and makes us know every activities that is evolved in marketing. Since marketing starts and ends with consumers, many organisation need to carry out researches so as to know certain things about the needs and wants of the consumers and customers.
In marketing various decisions are made in order to meet the needs and wants of the customers.
The governments executives carry out research in a country in their to enable her provide for their needs and wants. Information about the market is an important tools to the marketer because it is a vital for effective, planning and decision making in the organisation.
Research is only means by which an information about the behaviour of individual can be obtained. Marketing information system is an ongoing process with the organization guides marketing manager in their day to day decision making.
It is also a process of carryout research and be seen as a connecting link between the environment and making executive in their planning executive and control of marketing activities.
Moreover in an organization, the marketing manager sends his seller force to the market, finding out the markets situation before any an organization emerge form various discipline and various distinction with many roles or importance to various fields which we will discuss as we further. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY
The setting up of organization and growth of business enterprises are functions of the immense demands of the society for primary and secondary product and services, which are either on existent or insufficient.
No manager no matter how well gifted with “hunches” and the combination of instinct and experience can do without information the situation is made complex because of the shifting tastes and demands competition emerging new product changing technology, government regulations, economic environment and many other variables.
This is necessitude by the fact that to days world and market is dynamic hence nothing is stable as a product that popular today becomes unpopular and outdated by tomorrow. To be able to meet the challenges in the market place, form use marketing research as a strategy to solves marketing problems retain and attract potential customers.
In of the above this research study seeks to analysis the role of marketing research on the growth of Nigeria Breers Aba Abia State. The success of a firm to a large extent depends on its ability to embarked on marketing research. 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
It was customary in the past for most organization to be so much concerned with marketing research that sought to improve the fundamental characteristics of their product and provide customer satisfaction very little were not aware then that customer did not just spend their money to buy any product but rather made their purchase based on satisfaction they perciare with such product. This has lead to many product which would have been a success becoming a failure, because adequate marketing research was not conducted on the product to provide the necessary customer satisfaction. Also the reason for unsatisfactory products in the market is because of inadequate market research. 1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
The topic is question is a great significant to student, marketing manager due to the reasons advice here inde the objective of this study shil include. - To use research in facilitating the increase in knowledge and comprehension of problems, phenomena, and event with regards to education.
- To use good research in providing valid and relevant information which would be useful in our educational planning programmes.
- To use the research in assists the organization in discovery of goods principles on which appropriate interpretation prediction and control of behaviour could be based.
- Research is a fool for problems solving it provide the organization (Nigeria Bveweries plc) adequate training in problem solving.
- To use it in providing the organisation with more valid answer to questions and problems on education in term facilitates better learning situation in our institution 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS
The following Questions will ginde the research in the following course of this study. What type of research does Nigeria Breweries Plc Aba, Abia State use. How do they make their research In what way have marketing research help Nigeria Breweies Plc Aba, Abia State. How can these problem be identified and also be solve 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
The role of marketing research has been appreciated in Nigeria Breweries and most business organisation. It is an anticipated that the result it this study help in providing information and solution to contain specific problems facing the people of the nation.
Marketing research help to predict accurately future happenings eg. Future oil price in Nigeria research provide such answer as how and where are the highest/largest customers and what do they do and to buy in the market segmentation and in what quality and quantity. These. Tends to enhance cordial relationship between the company and target market.
Furthermore, marketing enhance systematic gathering of facts obtained in the case of finding in interpreting information, obtained about marketing problems accurately and easily. 1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY
Marketing research is concerned with the scientific investigation of all factors that impinges upon the marketing of goods and services. The scope of this study is virtually limitless and discussion here will have to be informed to these type of research most frequently undertaken in practice.
Furthermore, marketing seeks, to provide answers to fine basis questions, who? Whom? Where? How? And why ? practice market research is usually concentrated on a limited number of recurrent problem often, the size and nature of the marketing in terms of aga, sex income occupation and social well being of consumer, the geographical location of the costumer the market share analysis the structure composition and organisation of distribution channel serving the market the nature of economic and other environment trend affecting the structure of the market. 1.6 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY
The road that leads to success is never and is not easy. There are lots of problems. We students facies in the course ofwriting project.
Firstly there no enough textbooks in the school library which will be a sort of writing materials that will guide us in writing their project.
Secondly, time factors is another problems faced when writing project, because we combine both the normal lecture hours during the day with this project work.
Finally, financial problem was another problems traveling from one place in search of relevant materials for the project needed adequate finance. 1.7 DEFINITION OF TERMS
For the simplicity of this study to a laipian the following are the definition of terms used. Market is send to be an environment place where people with needs to satisfy, money to spend and willingness to spend it. Marketing can be defines as human activities directed at satisfying need and want through exchange processes. Marketing research is defined as the systematic and object search for and analysis of information relevant to the identification and situation of marketing problems. Marketing information system can be seen as a structure , interacting complex of information sources for use as input to marketing decision making. Questionnaire it is a set of questions put gather