Mass media an organisation aimed at giving news and opinions to a large number of people, retaining these people and building internal and external good will beyond reasonable assumption needed for an organisation to remain and prosper in it. This led to the establishment of the media in Nigeria, vanguard and punch newspaper for instance. The disparities in the media function thus, informed our study in generating awareness against drug abuse in Nigeria (A case study of Vanguard and Punch newspaper). Equally the electronic media (Television and Radio) were studied too. Consequently, five hypothesis were formulated. The first hypothesis sought to know if mass media generate awareness of dangers of drug abuse. The second hypothesis sought to know if the existence of drug use is as a result of insufficient effort by the media. The third hypothesis sought to know whether the awareness of the effects of drug abuse to the impact of the media the fourth sought to know if drug abuse is commonest among youths. The fifth bordered on capability of mass media in controlling this drug problems in Nigeria. The chi-square statistical approach was used to test hypothesis after questionnaire were administered to 100 respondents. The five hypothesis received statistical support, showing that people receive information about drug abuse more on electronic media (Television and Radio) followed by the print medium (Newspaper and Magazine). The project has five chapters in all first two chapters are mainly theoretical framework I which the principals and functions of the media were discussed. Chapter three explained the survey methodology adopted in the study while chapter four and five are based on empirical findings. Chapter four dealt with data collection and analysis while chapter fie summarizes the empirical result.
This research targets the role played by mass media in generating awareness against drug abuse. A case study of vanguard and punch newspaper.
Nigeria has big problems, one of which is that of serious social and economic implication for the society. Nigeria youths constitute not just the high risk group but also the bulk of Nigeria’s army of drug addicts. Studies indicate that a higher percentage of our youths within the age range of eighteen (18) and twenty eight (28) years have tied out drug on the other . a high percentage of those admitted of mental related problems also come from the same group. The drug epidemic is thus gradually eroding the manpower base and future of Nigeria.
In 1984, the Yaba psychiatric Hospital treated ,234 patients and in 1987m, the figure climbed to 12,587 and in 1985, the figure also climbed to 47,725 between January march 1989. It increased to 70,316. But these seem to be just the tip of the iceberg as culling addicts still roam our streets federal by drugs from the various drug joints that now litter our streets.
Drug abuse is one type of deviant behaviour that was previously exclusively associated with the western societies. Before the eighties, this problem has been in existence but today the footage has turned into a frightening reality, a moister that has best ridden our country like a leach and reuse to let go while gradually spreading its tentacles.
Drug abuse is not just about the creative with a vacant look in its fast blinking eyes, a twittering body and an actered mind but its is about the student who cannot read without taking unsweetened coffee, kolanut or pills. It is about the filter lover who turns to the bottle of salvation, the business executive who must smoke to be able to work, the retrenched worker who floods his veins with “smack” to forget his sorrows and adventures party goes who ties a shift to get a kick because others are doing it. Thus drug abuse is not just about mislaying drugs but the habit involves in the use of any chemical substance that has an effect on the body and they include smack, gbana heroine, cocaine, white girl, call it whatever name you like. Drug abuse is a fatal past time Nigerians have decided to indulge in and does the county have to show for it.
Nigerians have just woken up from the menance of drug abuse which is like a nightmare that refuses to go away.
Drug abuse is not a recent phenomenon in Nigeria, it started in the late 1960s where the use of Indian ehmp (cannabis) as a stimulant became widespread and what followed was a graded upsurge in the use of hemp by the Nigerians youths.
In the eighties Nigerians was just a transit point for hard drug from the golden triangle of Asia the capital of Europe and United States. Soon drug trafficking began to increase at a geometric rate. Nigerians lined by Filthy Lune, they stood to make from the illicit business joined the growing army of drug couriers in droves.
As the menace of drugs grew wide, the government woke up to the dangers of the trade if left unchecked. Nigerians and the people carrying Nigerian passports started getting nodded and the prisous of Brazil, Saudi Anabia, United States, Brittan and Germany became filtted to the brim with Nigerian involved in the business forum. They become a fonce to be neckoned within 8500 billion per annum world drug circuit.
On the afternoon of April 10,1985, the normally serne atmosphere at Nigerian’s maximum Kirikini prison was shattered by the sound of continuous gun fire. At the end of it, the bodies of three young Nigerians namely Barthlonew Owoh, Bernard Ogedenge and lawal Akauni dangled at grotesque angles from the stakes at the prision’s fining range. The three became the first victims of Nigerian government’s attempt to seriously tackle the drug problem, the victims of a retroactive law that prescribed death for drug trafficking and which were then gradually creeping like a night maninder into out society.
The objective of this study is to access the role of mass media in generating awareness among the public on the danger of drug abuse; A case study of vanguard and punch Newspaper.
Considering that through their agenda setting and surveillance role, the mass media (Vanguard and Punch newspaper) becomes crucial. True, the mass media (Vanguard and Punch Newspaper) cannot do the job in isolation, the workers in these establishments have to take cognizance of some socio-cultural factors but they can go a long way in laying the background for the fight against drug abuse.
As an adjunct of the mass media’s (Vanguard and Punch Newspaper) role, this study would focus on the type of drugs in Nigeria, their effect role of communication, the effect of vanguard and punch new a print medium, attitude change and policy on the abuse of hard drugs in Nigeria. The public policy on the drug scourge is vital because it partly shows tht societies response to problem that has become a mosquito in the net.
The decision to study on drug abuse in Nigeria was spurred by two incidents.
The first was mind bending, a soap oppra, which nan on network television for a quarter in 1990. It highlighted the effects of drug on their users and the agony the addicts and their families go through. Going by the public reception of programme and the rare reviews it received in the press, it become clear that Nigerians were not very aware of the various ramifications of the drug problem in Nigeria. This situation amplified the need for the use of mass media in the battle against the lethal habit.
Secondly was a penal of the various public policies on drug abuse revealed a sore point. Few of the policies prescribed education of the public as a means of eradicating the drug epidemic in Nigeria. Most of the policies prescribed punitive measure for battling the danger called drugal of the various public policies on drug abuse revealed a sore point. Few of the policies prescribed education of the public as a means of eradicating the drug epidemic in Nigeria. Most of the policies prescribed punitive measure for battling the danger called drug.
The general problems that this study would seek to answer are as follow:
What is the public policy on drug abuse in Nigeria?
Can the mass media (vanguard and punch newspaper) generate public awareness on drug abuse in Nigeria?
In what ways can the mass media (vanguard and punch newspaper) play the role of generating public awareness on drug abuse?
Have the media (Vanguard and Punch newspaper) been generation public awareness about drug abuse in Nigeria?
To what extent can mass media generate public awareness about drug in Nigeria?
What media of mass communication would be most suitable and effective in creating awareness against drug abuse in Nigeria?
In what ways can mass media (vanguard and Punch Newspaper) generate public awareness about drug abuse in Nigeria.
These hypothesis are drawn from the topic and from the variables.
H1: The mass media (vanguard and punch newspaper) generate awareness of dangers of drug abuse.
Ho: The mass media (vanguard and punch newspaper) does not generate awareness of dangers of drug abuse.
H2: The existence of drug use is as a result of insufficient effort by the media.
H0: The existence of drug use is not as a result of insufficient effort by the media.
H3: The awareness of the effects of drug abuse is due to the impact of the media.
Ho: The awareness of the effects of drug abuse is not due to the impact of the media.
H4: The nture of the media messages reveals that drug abuse is commonest among youths.
Ho: The nature of the media messages reveals that drug abuse is not commonest among youths.
H5: The mass media can control drug abuse in Nigeria.
H0: The mass media cannot control drug abuse in Nigeria.
Conceptual: Medicine or material used for making medicines
Operational: An chemical agent other than food stuffs which significantly affect the body structure of function.
Conceptual: To put to wrong use.
Operational: Use badly to the extent that there are observable effects.
Conceptual: Concerning people in general
Operational: Mass of people who use drugs and are reflects in media content.
Conceptual: Having knowledge or consciousness
Operational: Act of sensitization
Conceptual: The part taken by someone in any activity
Operational: A function played by someone in any activity either to create awareness or spread information for people to take corrections or amendments.
Conceptual: Cause to exist
Operational: To circulate or spread ideas, suggestions, solutions to problems at hand.
Conceptual: the modern means of giving news and opinions to large number of people.
Operational: A means through which information is being generated or circulated to the publics.
It is expected that if this study is properly conducted, the researcher will arrive at the following results.
That the media need to do more than they are doing to address drug abuse.
That the media effectiveness would be determined by how they address youths and adults.
The media have made a lot of impact in increasing awareness of drug abuse.
During the course of gathering data for this project, the researcher was found with some limitations and these limitations include finance and time. And also the problem of staying within the scope of the study because, to a certain extent, the project topic extensive so the researcher had to stay within the scope she could conveniently and possibly handle.