This research work entitled “Training and motivation as a tool for improving employees performance: is focused on one of the contemporary issues confronting both scholars and practitioners in the field of administration. The power holding company of Nigeria (PHCN) has been specially chosen as a case study for the research exercise.
The objective of this study is majority centered on the identification and evaluation of the adverse effect of inadequate training and motivation of employee towards the realization of PHCN’s goal.
In the course of this research work data was collected from both primary and secondary sources primary data was generated by means of questionnaires and oral interview while secondary data was sourced from library textbooks lecturers materials and company books of records.
The data obtained was carefully and properly analyzed using the appropriate tools such as frequency tables and percentages.
The researcher made his finding both positive and negative and made necessary recommendation for improvement on those negative finding it was found out that PHCN gives regular training and motivation to her employee so as to improve their performance and a lot of staff have benefited from this scheme.
Also it was found out by the researcher that some staff of the organization are yet to retrieve training and promotion since they were employed.
Nevertheless the researcher recommended among other things that all those staff that are yet to receive training should be given urgent attention by the management to avail them the opportunity to benefit from the scheme.
Finally the management of PHCN should ensure that those workers who are yet to be promoted should be reconsidered fro promotion even if it means given them training to quality them for that this will guarantee cooperation peace and the attainment of organization goals.
This project entitled “training and motivation as a tool for improving employee’s performance” is centered on one of the challenges currently facing both scholars and practitioners in the field of administration. In this research work power holding company of Nigeria (PHCN) Plc is chosen as a case study.
Today it is worthy to appreciate the fact that training and motivation of employees for increase performance has become a serious administrative problems facing most organizations.
Where as this is one of the basic criteria for measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of an organization.
Organization are said to be effective if the predetermined objectives and the expectations of both the organization and the employee are fulfilled.
The ultimate goal of every organization is to realize its predetermined objectives these objectives cannot be achieved successfully and effectively without the employees putting in their best. For the objectives to be achieved effectively and efficiently the management must ensure that employee are given the appropriate training and the necessary motivations to enable them work harder.
Many organizations especially power holding company of Nigeria have developed training programmes of various purpose for their employees. The most crucial responsibility of every management today is that of “training and motivation” directed towards improving employees performance. In the other words the success to achieve the targeted results in an organization is majority dependent on the quality of human resources in that organization. This is factual in the sense that human resources is the active agent of resources is the active agent of any organization while finance and other non human resources are passive agent so it is the human resources that combine the passive agents for the attainment of the organization objectives or results. The human resources as an active agent of any organization cannot as a matter of fact get the targeted goals of that organization accomplished unless training and motivation are put in place as appropriate machineries to enhance the employee performance.