Title Page — – — – – — — — — i
Approval Page — – — – — – — ii
Certification – – – — – — — iii
Dedication — — – — — iv
Acknowledgment – – — – — v
Table of Contents – – – — – — vi
List of Tables – — – – – — – viii
Abstract — — – — – – — – — ix
Background of the Study – — – – — 1
Statement of the Problem – — – — — 8
Purpose of the Study – – — – — — 10
Research Question – — – — — — 10
Significance of the Study — – – — 11
Scope of the Study – – — — — 11
Concept of Utilization of ICT Resources for Teaching, Learning and Research in Colleges of Education — – — — – 12
Concept of ICT Resources for Effective Teaching, Learning and Research in Colleges of Education. – – – – – 14
Concept of Academics in Colleges of Education and their Training Needsfor Effective Utilization of ICT Resources. — – 18
Problems Associated with Utilization of ICTs — – 19
Review of Empirical Studies — — – — — 22
Summary of Literature Review – – — — 26
Design of the Study – – — – – — 27
Area of the study – — – — – — 27
Population of the Study — – — — 27
Sample and Sampling Techniques — – — — 28
Instrument for Data Collection — – – — 28
Method of Data Collection – — – — — 28
Validation of the Instrument — — — — — 29
Method of Data Analysis – – — – — 29
Discussion of Findings — – — — 42
Recommendations – — – – — — 48
Suggestions for Further Research – — — 49
Limitations of the Study – — – — — 49
Conclusions – – — – — — 50
REFERENCES – — – – — – – — 51
APPENDICES – — – – – — — — 60
Table Pages
- Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Availability of ICT Resources for use in Federal College of Education in South East Nigeria — — -31 — –
- Mean ratings of the respondents on the extent to which academics utilize ICT resources in teaching, Learning and research process. — 33
- Mean ratings of the responses of the respondents on the purposes of using ICT resources by academics – — — 34
- Mean ratings of the response of the respondents on the training needs of the academics for effective utilization of ICT resource – 35
- Mean ratings of the responses of the respondents on the extent to which the purpose of using ICT resources has been met – — 37
- Mean ratings of responses of the respondents on the problems encountered with the use of ICT resources by academics 38
- Means ratings of the responses of the respondents on the strategies that can be adopted to enhance ICT Utilization by academics 39
This study investigated the Utilization of Information and Communication technology by academics in Federal Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria. The main objective of the study is to find out the use of ICT in teaching, learning and research process in Federal Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria. A descriptive survey design was used in carrying out the study. The population one thousand and ten (1010) academic staff members was used for the study. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire and observation checklist. The data was analyzed using percentages and mean. The results from the analysis revealed that there are ICT facilities available for use by academics in F.C.E in South East Nigeria; that the academics utilizes the ICT resources to a low extent in teaching, learning and research. The findings also revealed that the available ICT resources suffered disuse as very few academics use the resources. The findings also revealed that the nine items identified in the table as problems encountered with the use of ICT resources by academics includes inadequate funds, poor power supply, poor knowledge of how to utilize the ICT facilities by the academics, insufficient of ICT facilities in colleges, Dearth of qualified man power, nonchalant attitude of the policy makers, lack of partnering with non-governmental and governmental organization, lack of training, and lack of national ICT policies. Strategies that can be adopted to enhance ICT utilization by academics includes adoption and implementation of local and international information policy, provision of alternative power supply, organizing seminars, conferences and workshops, train all categories of academics in ICT proficiency, partnering with non-governmental organization, provision of adequate fund to institutions of higher learning, increase recruitment of academic staff strength, provision of ICT facilities among others. The findings revealed that the purposes of using ICT resources were to carry out research, storage of information (examination records in CD-ROM, flash drives and floppy diskettes), using computer for power point presentation, searching, storing, disseminating and retrieving information, broadcasting educational program and connecting with colleagues among others. Academics in F.C.E in South East require some ICT training needs such as in Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). Word processing, data base management, Power Point application skills etc.
Background of the Study
Colleges of Education in its broadest sense provides the backdrop against which development acquires its meaning. It is responsible for continuous preparation and upgrading of teachers who can stand out for their professional competence. Colleges of education runs Nigeria certificate in Education programme. Teacher education programmes are structured to equip teachers for the effective performance of their duties.
Academics in colleges of education teaches and studies as part of their job. They utilizes information in the course of their duties to advance the mission of education in their instructions. The academics are the king pin of quality in education and expectedly, the mission of teacher education in Nigerian colleges of education can be attained by effective utilization of ICT resources for teaching, learning and research. In academics, information is seen as indispensable tool for teaching, learning and research activities. No meaningful academic activity can be effective without consulting this valuable medium (resources) information resources is required not only in the education, sector but every aspect of the society. Information resources are defined as printed or electronic medium that can be accessed to satisfy a need. The development of the resources was very phenomenal. The trend which started from printed material has grown into electronics materials. These changes are manifested in the conversion of printed bibliography sources into CD-ROM, Data bases, direct access to remote data bases on-line and the attendant shift in remote research strategies.
The use of information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for teaching, learning and research is indispensable because the importance of information resources lies in its availability, accessibility and utilization for over all development. The survival of research and other academic activities depend on information resources because information is the life wire of research. Academics therefore, are expected to utilize a large amount of information resources to enable them function effectively in their day to day research problems especially where these resources are made available to them at the right time and in the right form. Ugwuanyi (2007) describe information resources as the medium that convey information for preservation. He noted further that, it is the ability or means to communicate with or otherwise make use of any information resources component. Information are vital for the education, employment and enjoyment of all Nigerians including the visually impaired persons.
The dynamism of ICT can help colleges of education achieve its set objectives in the areas of quality research, teaching, instruction and training in technology, applied science, commerce, arts, social science, humanities, education, management and such other fields of applied science relevant to the needs of the development of Nigeria in the area of industrial and agricultural production and distribution for research in development. ICT usage by academics in colleges of education can help to facilitate effective and efficient conferences, seminars and workshops relative to such other fields of learning in technologies, applied sciences, etc and serve to promote the objectives of colleges of education.
Globally, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is fast gaining prominence and is becoming one of the most important elements that show the basic competencies of academics in teaching, learning and research. Information and communication technologies utilization can promote a supportive, interactive teaching and learning environment, create boarder learning communities, and provide teaching and learning tools for academics.
Federal colleges of Education in Nigeria was established by decree No.4 and published in the Federal Republic of Nigeria official gazette No.16 volume 73 of 1st march, 1986 to:
a) Provide full time courses in teaching, instruction and training
i. in technology, applied science, commerce arts, social sciences, humanities and management and
ii. In such other fields of applied learning relevant to the needs of development of Nigeria in the areas of industrial and agricultural production and distributions for research in development and adaptation of techniques as the council may from time to time determine.
b) Conduct courses in education for qualified teachers
c) Arrange conferences, seminars and workshop relative to the fields of learning specified on (i) above
d) Continuously prepare and update teachers who can stand out for their professional commitment to function effectively as constructive socio-economic, moral and spiritual change agents needed to promote goodwill, peace and progress not only in the country but also in the world.
In Nigeria education today, ICTs are being integrated into teaching and learning (Nwachukwu, 2009). It is being used to break down rote learning and make way for modern education (Adeogun, 2003). Studies have been carried out on the role of ICT in teaching and learning: Aminpour (2007) noted that new technologies provide opportunities including the ability to tailor learning to the individual thereby making way for knowledge societies.
ICT can be applied by academics through so many ways; it can be used as a means of information storage and retrieval and the method of doing research. It can also be used as the channel for delivering instruction and for giving assignment and sharing ideas with colleagues in other institutions. (Ebrahimi, 2009).
Information technology is originally a technology of “storing and retrieving knowledge or data from computers. whereas communication technology is a technology of both/either ‘as a process or transmission, by which ‘A’ sends a message, voice and/or data to ‘if upon whom it has an effect’ and/or ‘as a negotiation and exchange of meaning; which is widely know or separately evolved as broadcasting or mass communication and telecommunications. The very critical technology to. Realized a convergence is the advent of internet, which enables to transmit record, store, retrieve knowledge, data, images (e.g. broadcasting) and even voice (e.g. telecommunication), particularly worldwide on an instant or real-time base as two-way communications for both a one-to-one and one to multiple (Kim, 2002).
There is not any universally accepted definition of ICT because the application
and technology involved constantly keeps changing almost on a daily basis. The changes happen so fast which makes it difficult to keep up with them. ICT deals with digital data and the ways of storing, retrieval, transmission and receipt. More importantly, ICT deals with the ways this concept work when put together. The C in ICT stands for communication of data over some distance by electronic means. This is achieved by the use of networks connecting different hardware to send and receive data like personal computer and digital television. Networks are further divided into local area network (LAN) usually linked within an office building and wide Area network (WAN), a very common example of the WAN is the internet which is connected over a vast distance.
According to Rijsenbrij (1997). Information and communication technology can then be seen as the technologies that support the communication and cooperation of “human beings and their organizations” and the “creation and exchange of knowledge” . the association of Africa universities (2000) defines information and communication technology as “a shorthand for the computers, software, networks, satellite links and related systems that allow people to access, analyzed, create, exchange and use data, information and knowledge in ways that, until recently, were almost unimaginable. It refers to the infrastructure that brings people together in different places and time zones, with multimedia tools for data, information and knowledge management in order to expand the range of human capabilities” (Heeks, 1999) in a nutshell, it involve the electronic means of capturing, processing, storing and communicating information. Information and communication technologies can be seen or described as the whole modem entourage of computer hardware and software network, mobile telephone, satellite transfers and similar items in their designed state of active receiving, processing and transferring of information and maintaining a steady flow of communication between peoples of different lands homes.
Information and communication technologies is the building blocks of the networked world, “ICTs represent the combination of microelectronics, computer hardware and software, telecommunications, and optic-electronics, such as microprocessors, semiconductors and fiber optics, that enables the processing and storage of huge amount of information and its rapid dissemination through computer networks. These innovations enables the processing and storage of enormous amounts of information, along with rapid distribution of information through communication network” (UNDP, 2001), From the above, ICT include telecommunications technologies such as telephone, cable, satellite and radio as well as digital technologies, such as computers, information networks and software.
There is no doubt about the profound impact made by information and communication technologies (ICT) on our professional and none professional life. Tertiary institutions in particular are not only faced with the challenge of trying to be competitive and equip people to make the transition to an information economy, they have had to make changes under increasir1y stringent economic conditions due to continual reduced funding from government Bruce, 1994).
According to Bruce (1994). ICT consists of the hardware, software, networks and media for the collection, storage, processing, transmission and presentation of information. The use of ICT falls into four major categories: constructing knowledge and problem solving (through the internet. E-mail, CD-ROMs, database, video conferencing), using process skills, aiding explanation of concepts and communicating ideas.
One barrier to the effective and efficient utilization of ICT by academics is the relatively low level of information literacy skills (Ezugwu, 2008) without the ability to manipulate and use information technology resources effectively; investment in ICT for development of information literacy skills may be unsuccessful. In fact, some scholars have suggested that the digital divide between the developed and developing world has winded because of the lack of information skills in developing countries (Dewan, Ganley, and Kraemer, 2005) without information and communication technology literacy, academics may continue to underutilized the technology that is provided (Pejova, 2002), resulting in a waste of resources with potentially serious repercussions for their development. In achieving development through ICT tools but enhancing ICT literacy, which provides the ability to manipulate and use information effectively for research and learning.
Ofodu (2007) also define ICT as electronic or computerized devices, assisted by human and interactive materials that can be used for a wide range of teaching and learning as well as for personal use. Also ICI include various facets of technologies and their application which are useable in the teaching of primary concepts (Akudolu,2009 Okafor, 2006).
However, academics teach in the colleges if education and studies as part of their job to enhance their knowledge skills. Julien (2002) observes that for academics to efficiently and effectively use ICT resources for teaching, learning and research they should be able to possess the following specific online searching skills which include the ability to select appropriate search terminology, construct a logical search strategy and evaluate information appropriately.
Organizations in Africa have been concerned with the problem of poor implementation of ICT in Africa school. For instance, The Association of Africa university (AAU, 2000) examined the problem and major obstacles affecting the use of ICT in Africa universities, and thus defined the problems to be technical, nontechnical human and organizational and financial. Technical obstacles identified include the poor telecommunication infrastructure, absence of national information and communication infrastructure, lack of university coherent plan for ICT, problems of connectivity, lack of or limited bandwidth for ICT for learning, teaching and research, non-reliability of public electricity supply, thus necessitating extra cost for standby generators. The non-technical deals with lack of professional development for faculty, human and organizational aspect relates to inadequate planning for ICT integration in regular activities of universities and inadequate human resource base, while financial relate to inadequate funding of ICT infrastructure, maintenance of available resources and staff development. Notwithstanding, it can be deduced that ICTs are essential for contemporary education development of any nation. Nigeria, as a nation, recognizes the pivotal roles of ICTs in the revitalization and the development of the country’s education system. This recognition brought about the development of the specific ICT related policies so that the country education system could husband the potentials of ICTs.
Although computer entered into the country’s education system in the late 70’s and early 80’s, no concrete policy was evolved for its entry into the nation’s education system until the evolvement of the national policy on computer education in 1988 (FRN, 1988). The 1988 document contained information on the application of computer at various levels of the country’s education, and with issues related to basic objectives, hardware and software requirements. The document also comments on teacher training, specifically, for the secondary school level. The implementation of the policy kick started with a training programmed conducted for 197 teachers from across the country. In addition, computer systems were introduced into the federal unity schools and the armed forces secondary schools. However, the initial enthusiasm gave way and little was achieved about the set objective.
Further impetus for ICT integration in the Nigerian school system came with the 2001 National policy on information technology, tagged “use IT”. It was a major step in the integration of ICT in all facets of the country’s life. The document among others, recommended a start up grant of at least $158m and two percent allocation from the total national budget for articulating the vision of the document. The Nigerian National policy on IT (FR. 2001) has within its purview the vision, mission, general objectives and strategies for the implementation of the policy, and sectoral application for all sectors (health. agriculture, tourism, etc) was also embedded. Ironically, education was subsumed under human resource development.
The document, in the areas of education, among others envisaged the development of IT curricula for all levels of Nigerian education, the facilities and IT dedicated institutions.
Although the document is a step in the right direction, however, it is inadequate to impact positively on the Nigerian education as the philosophical frame of reference is market driven and its little emphasis on the real integration an infusion of ICTs in the country’s education system (Yusuf, 2005a). In addition, the document was silent on the education of the disabled and other disadvantaged. The revised National policy on education (FRN, 2004) emphasized the need for ICTs at all level of Nigerian education. For instance, the document stated inter alia in section II sub-section 102(a) that “All states, Teachers Resource, Centers, University, Institutes of Education, and other professional bodies shall belong to the network of information and communication technology (ICT)”. The documents noted further in section II sub-section 102(d) “Government shall provide facilities and necessary infrastructure for the promotion of information and communication technology at all levels of education”. Another major aspect of the document that is ICT related is the national virtual library project aimed at the rejuvenation of the Nigerian schools through provision of easy access to current books, journals and other information resources using digital technology (FRN, 2004). It must be emphasized, however, that little or no efforts have been made to implement the ideas set out in these 2001 and 2004 documents.
Another major policy document on ICTs use in education is the ministerial Initiative on Education for the Nigerian education system (FME, 2004). The document contains information on the theoretical framework for e-education in Nigeria, analysis of the Nigerian situation, that is, factors inhibiting or promoting the integration of ICTs in education, component of c-education in Nigeria, e-education blue print, elements of the blue print strategies, decade goals (2015), mid-decade goals (2009) and the action plan, among others. The ministerial initiative document though not encompassing enough to address ICTs integration in Nigerian schools, however, the removal of the minister of education who initiated the document. probably accounts for non-implementation of the document.
The implementation of the 1988 national policy on computer education was precursor by the training of teachers in federal unity schools and armed forces schools. To ensure effective implementation of the 2001 national policy on information Technology (IT), the Nigerian information Technology developments Agency (NITDA) was established. In addition, the digital Bridge institute, in Abuja was established by the Nigerian National communication commission (NCC), to assist in the promotion of ICTs in Nigeria. In spite of all these efforts, ICTs have not impacted greatly on the Nigerian school system. In fact, the impact of ICT is much more noticeable in the economic and communication sectors of the country.
Similarly, most teachers in Nigerian tertiary institutions lack computer utilization skills (Yusuf, 1998). However, wide gap exists between utilization and availability of ICT resources outlined in the Nigerian computer education policy (Jegede and Owolabi, 2003). Academics in Nigerian colleges of Education cannot implement computer education because majority of the lecturers are not competent in basic computer operation and in the use of simple application software (Yusuf, 2005). In view of this apparent lack of proper utilization of ICT resources at various levels of Nigerian education, it is important to examine barriers militating against effective utilization of ICTs globally as these may serve as lessons for proper utilization of ICT in Nigerian colleges of Education. The availability of ICT resources in F.C.Ss is not yet known; the types of ICT resources available in F.C.Es have been ascertained and the services offered with the use of ICT resource in these F.C.Es have not been determined; the extent to which the resources ‘contribute to teaching, learning and are not known; the training needs of academics for effective utilization of these resources are not known; the problems encountered in using ICT resources need to be identified and all the strategies to enhance the usage in F.C.Es have not been proffered.
South East is one of the three geo-political zones in Southern Nigeria. South East
Nigeria comprises of five states. Namely: Abia State, Anambra State, Ebonyi State, Enugu State and Imo State. The zone has three federal colleges of Education namely:
Alvan Ikoku college of Education, Owerri, Imo state; F.C.E Eha-Amufu, Enugu state; F.C.E (T) Technical Umunze. Anambra state. Historically, Alvan Ikoku College of Education was established in 1963 as an Advanced Teacher Training College (ATTC) by the government of the then Eastern region of Nigeria with UNDP/UNESCO technical assistance. In keeping with the report of the Ashby commission, it was charged with the responsibility of producing teachers at the intermediate manpower level. At the end of the Nigeria civil war (1967-1970) the college opened at its present main campus. By Edict no. 11 of May 21, 1973, the institution became the Alvan Ikoku college of Education, Owerri. Subsequently by 2008, the federal Government of Nigeria took over the institution from Imo state government as one of the federal colleges of Education in Nigeria.
Federal College of Education Eha-Amufu, Enugu state was also established to produce qualified middle level teachers for the nation’s primary and secondary schools by the old Anambra state Government.
The college took off in October, 1981 and functioned as a state college of Education until 31st March,1993. The college was taken over by the federal colleges of Education (Amendment No 2) decree 1993 as F.C.E Eha-Amufu Enugu state. The federal Government took over the college notionally with effect from 1st April, 1993 and assumed full financial responsibility with effect from 1St January, 1994. The college library building housed the college library, the provost’s office and part of the Registry Division at the inception with a collection of eight thousand (8, 000) volumes.
Federal College of Education Technical Umunze on the other hand is one of the tertiary institutions established by the federal college of Education Decree No. 4 of 1989. The philosophy which informed the establishment of this college among others is the realization by the federal Government of the need to produce qualified technical teachers for the nation’s 6-3-3-5 system of education. The college is fully funded by the federal Government through National Commission for colleges of Education as the supervisory agency. A functional library with well equipped computer center is also established to assist in the area of teaching, learning and research.
Statement of the Problem