1.1Background of the study
Over the years, Nigeria has experienced rapid population growth, urbanization and industrialization. Currently, the population is approximately 28.5 million, of which more than 70% live in urban areas. This rapid development has resulted in the generation of more municipal solid waste (Badgie et al., 2012, Fauziah and Agamuthu, 2012). In general, the greater the economic prosperity of a nation, the higher the rate of urbanization and the greater the amount of solid waste produced, and Nigeria was one of these nations (Kathirvale et al., 2003, Uiterkamp et al., 2011 ). Due to the rapid increase, research and the implementation of a method for the effective management of this waste has become a serious concern (Al Ansari, 2012).
Solid waste is material that has become useless or useless for the true owner and, therefore, is projected to be discarded. The material may not be useless, but whenever the owner throws it, it has become a waste. Municipal solid waste, on the other hand, is waste produced in urban areas. In Nigeria, the Solid Waste Management and Public Cleaning Act of 2007 defines solid waste as any waste, surplus substance or any product released from human activity, but excluding scheduled waste, wastewater and waste. Radioactive (Agamuthu & Dennis, 2011).
Solid waste management covers all activities, from production to final disposal, and is defined as the control, production, storage, collection, transfer and transport, treatment and disposal of solid waste. In accordance with best practices in public health, economics and finance, engineering. Administrative, legal and environmental considerations. As in other parts of developing countries, their production in Nigeria has increased considerably at an annual rate of 3-4% (Manaf et al., 2009). The daily amount of solid waste produced recently has reached 30,000 tons (Agamuthu and Fauziah, 2011). About these amounts, approximately
It has been reported that 70% of them are collected and about 95% (representing 75% of the waste generated) are disposed of in landfills and only 5% are recycled (Agamuthu et al., 2009b). Several researchers have conducted numerous studies on solid waste management in Nigeria, most of which indicate that landfilling and landfilling is the main disposal method (Lau, 2004, Sakawi, 2011, Tarmudi et al., 2012).
1.2 Statement of the problem.
The main challenge facing Nigeria is how to manage this growing MSW effectively and sustainably. These challenges include inadequate collection, recycling or treatment and the uncontrolled disposal of waste in ordinary sanitary landfills, which creates serious risks and environmental contamination (Agamuthu, 2001). For example, when rain falls, it removes some of these wastes and leaches from water sources such as rivers, which puts the environment at greater risk of contamination (Pukkalanun et al., 2013). Also in these landfills, greenhouse gases (GHGs) are emitted into the atmosphere, which contributes to climate change, which is another area of great concern. These and other situations make the disposal of urban solid waste a source of environmental degradation (Manaf et al., 2009, Fauziah et al., 2004, Ngoc and Schnitzer, 2009). In fact, these are just some of the reasons that led the federal government of Nigeria to assume the responsibilities that previously corresponded to local authorities for the management of these increasing amounts of waste.
In an effort to improve and guarantee a quality service in solid waste management, the government privatized solid waste management in Nigeria.
1.3 Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is to examine Waste Management as a tool for revenue generation using of Riwama Rivers state as case study. Specifically the study will assess:
- impact of Waste Management on revenue generation of Riwama Rivers state
- the factors affecting Waste Management practice of Riwama Rivers state
- the relationship between Waste Management and revenue generation of Riwama Rivers state
- Significance of the study
To a large extent, waste management efficiency depends on the way different actors understand the danger and the good of maintaining environment safe and their capacity but also the commitment of public and private sectors as well as the involvement and participation of the communities themselves in supporting the whole concept. It also depends on the useful information and lessons from current best practices in the provision of this important service. Such information and lessons can be obtained only through research and studies; hence this research can assist in the improvement and performance of waste management in the urban settlements and to identify opportunities for future strategic development in the field of solid waste management. Particularly, this study is useful to the different stakeholders including planners, administrators and private waste collectors, and in one way or the other contributes to future policy interventions in waste management sector
- Study hypothesis
The study hypothesis is:
HO1: there are no significant factors affecting Waste Management practice of Riwama Rivers state
HO2:There is no significant relationship between Waste Management and revenue generation of Riwama Rivers state
- Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study scope is limited to investigating Waste Management as a tool for revenue generation using of Riwama Rivers state as case study. Limitation faced by the research was limited time and financial constraint
- Organisation of study
The study is grouped into five chapters. This chapter being the first gives an introduction to the study. Chapter two gives a review of the related literature. Chapter three presents the research methodology; chapter four presents the data analysis as well as interpretation and discussion of the results. Chapter five gives a summary of findings and recommendations.