This seminar studied and analyzed Water Pollution, the causes, the effects, the sources, types and control of Water Pollution in the societies water pollution occurred when pollutants were discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds, Water Pollution affected plant, and organisms living in this bodies of water.
Water pollution was known to be caused by the following factors, sewage and wastewater, marine dumping industrial waste, radioactive waste, oil pollution, underground storage leakages, atmospheric deposition, global warming and petrophication.
The effect of water pollution were very tremendous in our societies, there were numerous pollution of water, which we have contaminated ground water effect, effects of agriculture water pollution, effects of thermal of heavy metal water pollution, all these affected the respiratory mechanism of aquatic organism, which will also affects man that take the organism. These impacts included pollution of the water bodies, it equally affects man directly and indirectly.
The most affective way of controlling water pollution was to ensure that chemical wastes should be converted to harmless substance before being dump in the sea and, sewage should be processed, treated and converted to useful fertilizers in plants and also refuse should be processed, treated and converted to useful fertilizers in sewage plant the control of this water pollution has help in our communities and in our lives.
Water can be said to be polluted when there is an introduction of a harmful substances in such a way that its natural qualities are so altered as to impure its usefulness or render it offensive to the sense of taste, smell or sight.
Water pollution has so many ways of definition. However, the basic elements of most definitions are the concentration of particular pollutant in water for sufficient period of time to cause certain effect. If it related health such as the ones caused by pathogenic bacteria intrusion, the term contamination is appropriate. A basis for defining water pollution can be said to the presence of impurities in clean water or pure water.
Most cause of water pollution includes sewage and wastewater, marine dumping, industries waste, radioactive waste, oil pollution, underground storages leakage, atmosphere deposition, global warming eutrophication, fertilizers contain nutrient such as nitrate and phosphate in excess level, which over stimulate the growth of aquatic plants and algae. These organisms when growth in excess, consequently clogs our water wags, use dissolved oxygen as they decompose and block light to deeper water which proves very harmful to aquatic organism as it affects their respiratory organisms as it affects their respiratory ability. Fish and other invertebrates that reside in water are affected as well.
Finally, science provides many practical solutions to minimizing the present level as which pollutants are introduced into the societies and for remedying past problems. All the solution comes with some cost (both monetary and societal). A great deal can be done to minimize pollution in our everyday lives. If we take care and act responsibly with household chemical and their disposal and recycle, material whose production creates pollution.
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