There has been an enormous level of research and theories in the area of motivation as it affects worker’s job performance. Since motivation of workers is central to job performance in all industrial sectors, most importantly banking sectors, it is therefore an attempt to address this issue in the study.
Wally (1980) post that motivation is including others to behave in a specific ways towards goals specifically stated by the motivation. Naturally, these goals as also the motivation system must confirm to the corporate policy of the organization the motivation system must be “tailored’’ to the situation and to the organization for a project fit.
Motivating is the way urges, aspiration, drives and needs of human beings direct or control or explain their behaviour. Manager acquire the creation and maintenance of environment of the performance of individual working together in a group toward accomplishment of a common objectives. A manager can not do this job without knowing what motivation worker. The necessity of building motivation factors into organizational roles the staffing of these rules and the entire process of directing and leading people to build on knowledge of motivation.
To emphasize in important of knowing and taking advantage of motivation factors which attempt to manipulate people but rather not to cost managers in the race. Their job is not to recognize motivation factor in designing on environment for a good job performance.
Although, various kinds of incentives schemes have been devised to make work load, but they do not seem to be very satisfactory unless other forms of motivation are aroused is well. During recent years, managers and social scientist have come to realize that work can be intrinsically motivation, either because it is directly comfortable in itself or because it provides opportunities for achievement and recognition through the sustaining of a self-image, or because it is felt to be worth while or because people become committed to be goals of the organization as the result of participation in decision of co-partnership scheme and though their relationship with group or supervisions.