Nigeria, like most developing countries in the world is faced with myriad of problems such as poverty, terrorism, political instability and most importantly
unemployment. In recent years, increased unemployment rate has affected many young school leavers who fall within the working age but have been denied job opportunities. Graduate unemployment in the words of Dabalen et al (2000), accounted for about 32% of the unemployed labor force between 1992 and 1997. This has compelled the Nigerian government as far back as the 1960s to start implementing programmes aimed at tackling the unemployment situation in the country. Providing employment was made one of the cardinal objectives of the first
developmental plan; an objective aimed at not just creating employment but to also to train people in skills that will meet the challenges of an ever dynamic economy. The above was indeed the catalyst for the establishment of a
number of employment programmes such as the National Directorate of Employment (NDE), Family Economic and
Advancement Programme (FEAP), Poverty Alleviation Programme (PAP), National Poverty Eradication Programme
(NAPEP), National Economic Empowerment and Development Scheme (NEEDS) and many other similar
programmes funded by various stakeholders like state governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and
international organizations like the World Bank and the United Nations.
Unemployment is one the developmental problems facing every developing economy in the 21st century. Agu (2008)
pointed out that there has been an exponential increase in youth unemployment in the country. In his words, youth
unemployment in the country has caused serious problems that past and successive administrations have not been
able to find a lasting solution. Although successive governments in Nigeria since independence have implemented
several programmes to address the problem of youth unemployment and poverty, the assessment of the various
contributions of such programmes remains scanty compared to the huge amount of resources committed to them
(Egware, 1997). In the words of Yakubu (2010), youth employment and poverty alleviation programmes implemented
in the last few decades have failed to confront the multidimensionality of poverty as most of these programmes were
unable to respond to the exact needs of the poor. Programmes such as the NDE, FEAP, Better Life Programme,
NAPEP, NEEDS have all been affected by common problems; such as: inadequate funding, project duplication, gross
inefficiency, poor coordination of programmes, corruption, lack of transparency
Nigeria’s current unemployment situation is erratic and falls short of expectations, such that a large percentage of
educated, able and qualified citizens cannot secure paid employment (Omotosho, 2009). This indicates that Nigeria
over the years has steadily crumbled from its extremely resilient and esteemed position among developing nations
(Ipaye, 2008). One of the major concerns of various administrations in Nigeria is the growing rate unemployment in
the country and it has consistently formed part of the macroeconomic objectives of the government for the past
decades (Omotosho, 2009). According to the World Bank Report (2003), the growing trend of employment and
productivity of the Asian Tigers and Japan is responsible for their enviable and brilliant economic performance.
Evidently, the absence of the necessary framework to enhance employment and productivity level in Nigeria is the
sole cause of the retarded nature of Nigeria, the acclaimed giant of Africa. The trend and problem of unemployment in
Nigeria remain obstinate with a tendency of growing geometrically to the alarming rate of 3 million unemployed youth
annually (Adelodun, 2006). The trend of unemployment in Nigeria has a devastating effect on the youths from an
extensive gamut of socioeconomic clusters, both the high and less educated, even though it has mainly troubled a
sizeable portion of youths from less privilege backgrounds (Ipaye, 2008). According to Adebayo and Ogunrinola,
(2006), unemployment trend in Nigeria touches the job seekers within the ages of 20 – 24 and 25 – 44 years more
while there is fewer prevalence of unemployment within the ages of 15 – 19, 55 – 59 and 65 years and above. The
rate of open unemployment was 12% in March 2005; it rose to 19.7% in March 2009 while the rate of
underemployment hovered around 19% in 1998 (National Bureau of Statistics, 2010). From this point of view, it is
apparent that unemployment, particularly the unemployment of young graduates, hinders Nigeria’s progress in so
many ways. Aside from economic issue, it also creates eminent danger for political stability of our dear country
(Ipaye, 2008). Consequently, massive youth unemployment as it is presently recorded in Nigeria portend a serious
multifaceted problems and the threat of unemployment has gradually been acknowledged as a pressing challenges
facing Nigeria (Ipaye, 2008, Udu & Ugu, 2005). According to Umaru and Zubairu (2011), unemployment has been
recognized as one of the major impediments to social-economic growth in most developing countries. It reduces the
aggregate output of the economy and results in underutilization of human resources. The need to avert the negative
effects of unemployment has made the tackling of unemployment problems of feature very prominently in the
development objective of developing countries (Omotor & Gbosi 2006). The issue of real output and employment
growth in developing nations is a sine qua non for poverty reduction and a more equitable income distribution
(Fofana, 2001). Omotor and Gbosi (2006) noted that the seriousness and nature of unemployment in Nigeria is
relatively high when placed on the same pedestal with those of other African countries. According to them, in absolute
terms; it is estimated that there are presently about 22 million youths unemployed in Nigeria.
Unemployment is one of the serious socio-economic problem in Nigeria and is really a tragic condition that requires
urgent and proactive attention. Indeed, it is alarming and worrisome to observe that Nigeria’s graduates who are
educated, able and willing to work cannot find a job. The situation is becoming hopeless, as the rate of unemployment
keeps rising without any proactive attempt to curb the menace (Kayode, Samuel & Silas, 2014). A cursory look at the
state of the nation, portend more danger with declining likelihoods of young graduates become gainfully employed;
going with the trend of events in the country, most especially, the falling oil prices, economic recession, insurgency in
the Northern parts of the country among other factors. As a matter of fact, unemployment is one of the major
developmental challenges facing Nigeria at the moment. (Obadan and Odusola (2010) have found that the
prevalence of unemployment in Nigeria, especially in this 21st century, is getting deeper and more pathetic, spiteful
through all faces of age groups, educational level, and geographical spread. The challenges of lingering youth
unemployment are very obvious in Nigeria because every year thousands of graduates are turnout for whom there
are no jobs opportunity (Emeka, 2011). Nigerian labor markets are beleaguered with youth hawkers who typically
would have found beneficial employment in some organizations (Echebiri, 2005; Uwoma, 2006). Given the large
percentage of unemployed youths, the trend of unemployment is capable of destabilizing peace as they portend a
serious threat in view of nascent democracy and blatant disregard for party politics (Adepegba, 2011).