This study is on the impact of advert on consumers’ preferences of products. The total population for the study is 200 staff of coca cola company of Nigeria, Lagos state. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made up account managers bottler business leaders, marketers and technicians were used for the study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies
- Background of the study
Before I could effectively write on the effects of advertising on consumer’s preference and acceptability of product, I will first of all know what advertising is all about. No generally accepted definition of advertising has been worked out because, as an academic discipline, the study of advertising is fairly new. However, advertising can be defined as a group of activities aimed at and including dissemination of information in any paid non-personal form concerning an idea, product or service, to compel action in accordance with the intent of an identifiable sponsor. This definition includes many tasks of advertising. Advertising aims at influencing the consumer through communication in the form of dissemination of information regarding an idea, product or service. Pitman: Principles of Advertising. The question is, why one should wish to influence the consumer, industrial user, or the public in general. In order to compel buying action of a product, service or the acceptance of an idea, it is meant to be in accordance with interest of a person who pays for the advertisement and have an interest in the product, service or idea sponsored. Whenever I talk about advertising, I think about the advertiser – one that spends money for advertising. The advertising agencies – on an independent business, organization, composed of creative and business people who develop, prepare and place advertising in the media for sellers seeking to find customers for their goods and services. Advertising medial also comes in mind whenever, advertising is being mentioned. They are institutions such as Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, Television, Direct Mail and Posters that are used to carry the advertisers’ message to the desired audiences. Advertising is part of the flow of communication and information process, which exposes the consumer to variety of stimulus. It is credited with raising our standard of living, lowering unit costs of mass produced goods providing information and helping new forms enter the market place. It is monitored by the industry of mass media consumer groups and government agencies in an effort to eliminate deceptive and unfair advertisement and commercials. Advertising has become a workhouse that serves many communication needs of society. Research in advertising is categorized into three namely: Consumer Research, Product Analysis and Market Analysis. In consumer research, the advertiser realizes that in order to effectively sell his product he must satisfy the needs and wants of the consumer. This he could achieve by understanding the nature of those needs and wants and by providing the products, which will satisfy them. He must remain abreast of shifts in the location of his potential markets. This research is concerned with the discovery of the reason behind consumer behaviour (their buying motives and attitudes). An analysis of both internal and external conditions of the market is elements of consumer researcher. It also analyses the forces that influence buying, such as motives, attitudes, beliefs, habits and customs.
Under product analysis, we talk of product concept testing, positioning of products, life circle of products, products uses, and packaging of products, prices of products, unit of sales and use of brand. The manufacturer should make a thorough analysis of the product before marketing it, to determine those of its properties which can be interpreted appealingly as being able to satisfy the desires of the consumers. The purpose of analysis is to determine which market may be cultivated most profitably and to what extent sales potential is greater in one area than in another. This branch of research attempts to answer for the advertisers problems, such as how important is market ‘A’ as a location for expensive effort in the distribution of a particular line of production. How does market ‘A’ compare with market ‘B’ in terms of potential sales? What kinds of data would be most helpful in portraying the character of markets in selecting the most fruitful advertising approach, etc. The emergence of advertising is closely associated with a philosophic and economic climate that relies on the market system as a means of resources allocation. Consumer expresses their preferences through preferential purchases of the advertised products in the market place. Advertising forms the basic source of revenue for the media and sometimes, it is being wasteful. This is found where demand has stabilized and the resulting high competition give rise to an exchange of expensive “broadsides” among the competitors. It may also be found where advertising has been directed at the wrong audience, at the wrong time and in the wrong place. Advertising has an effect not only on consumers but also on competition on the business cycle. This is also an effect on the value of products and prices of products. Some classifications of advertising are National Retail, local and co-operative Advertising. National Advertising can be defined, as any advertising done by the coco-cola manufacturer or producer in contrast to the one done be a retailer. The advertisers’ intention is to stimulate demand. Local advertising also employs the same strategy with national advertising. Example of such institutions is depot. Retailers also use retails advertising to persuade consumers to buy at a particular location.