Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv
Table of Content v
Proposal vii
1.0 Introduction to the study. 1
1.1 Statement of Problems. 2
1.2 Research question 3
1.3 Objectives of the Study 3
1.4 Research Hypothesis (Ho, Hi) 4
1.5 Significance/ Justification of the study 4
1.6 Scope and limitation of the study 4
1.7 Definitions of key Terms 5
1.8 Plan & organization of the study 6
2.0 Literature Review 7
2.1 Historical background of the study 8
2.2 Nature of the Financial Statement Analysis 10
2.3 The principle Tools of Analysis 11
2.4 Nature and purpose of financial Ratio 12
2.5 Users of financial Statement Analysis 13
2.6 Shareholders investment Ratios 20
2.7 Debt and Gearing Ratios 22
2.8 Strengths of financial Ratio 23
2.9 Weakness of Ratio Analysis 24
3.0 Research methodology 27
3.1 Research Design 28
3.2 Data Collection Method 28
3.3 Validity of Ratio Analysis 29
3.4 Reliability of a Data 29
3.5 Method of Data Analysis 30
4.0 Data analysis Presentation 31
4.1 Data Presentation 31
4.2 Data Analysis 32
4.3 Findings 34
5.0 Summary Conclusion and Recommendations 36
5.1. Summary 36
5.2. Conclusion 37
5.3. Recommendations 38
References 39
The strengthen of any organization can be properly assessed only from it financial position as reflected in the accounting data.
The important of corporate financial reporting view of development in the money market and changing capital market cannot be emphasized.
Accounting information gives to the situation of a business enterprises as well as its profitability. They also review the provides of there insurance have been effectively utilized. The use of information provides virtually of modern society.
- Statement Of Problem
- Ratio of the case study does not have meaning exempt is compared with same standard.
- The interpretation of ratio rendered invalided as a result of orange in the value of money.
- Research Question
- Respect hypothesis (ITOH.)
- Significance / Justification Of The Study
- Scope And Limitations Of The Study
- Definition Of Key Terns
Stability: it means that tonality or state of being steady and not changing or in disturbed.
Conflict: this is a situation in within people group or countries are involved in a serious disagreement or argument.
The accouter on the sector is and organization is rotten placed primary on the preparation of general purpose financial statement of external uses reburial in the company act much less emphasis in place on providing information for management to help in decision making process but financial accounted often take precedence over management account.
Basically financial ratios are use for two purposes.
- For assessing the performance of a particular company over a period of tine.
- For comparing the performance of a particular company over a period of time.
Financial statement analysis: A tool for performance execution used secondary date for the analysis of financial statement. This is due to the facet that the resources of date is the bank financial statement published and posted to bank. The population of the study comprises all commercial bank in Nigeria (21 as at January, 2013).
Research methodology therefore refers to design of necessary instrument by the researcher in order to gather the relevant information required for accomplished the research work.
The main ain of this chapter is to analyze interprets the present date convection from financial statement I.e. Annual report and account of the case study (porst bank Nigeria plc) in a more understandable form, for the researchers. I this report the chapter is divided in to three namely;
- Data presentation
- Data analysis
- Data interpretation
The research work has attempted to highlight the importance of financial statement analysis, using financial ratio to asses management efficiency and performance as a whole, not forgetting its important to outsider of share holder e.t.c. the basic type of financial ratio have been used to analysis and interpret the financial of first bank of Nigeria plc for the purpose of this research study.
In conclusion the study is able to come up with some reasonable as well as educative price. The combination of the techniques for financial statement analysis brought about the hidden features of financial statement by mere looking at financial statement does not give an investors or enough information.
Recommendation as refer the management efficiency and performance are presented as suggested by the analysis carried out from the analysis done, the company first bank of Nigeria plc, lacked adequate marketing capital.
The strength of any organization can be properly assessed only from it financial position as reflected in the accounting data.
The important of corporate financial reporting view of development in the money market and charging capital market cannot be emphazed.
Accounting information gives to the summary of the economic performance and the situation of a business enterprises as well as its profitability. They also review the provides of there resources have been effectively utilized. The use of the information provide virtually of modern society.
Decision taken on the basis of such information affect the live of million of people all over the world with ever increasing number of user whose interest are becoming more and moe diverse, the need for proper understanding of such financial statement can not be over emphasis. In order to arrive at a right conclusion, it is imperative that he account regard a time and fear review.
Corporate reporting service as an effective main of communicating financial and other data by companies shareholders prospective investor, government authority and general public. Annual report and accounts are therefore analyze the information contained in the financial statement. The income statement and the balance sheet can be of great benefit to the some of the users when properly analyzed.
One of the most important functions of financial accounting is to report information to external parties, the set of people who do no take part in the day to day management of the business such as eh creditor, shareholders, investors, banker are individual and organization that. Finance the firms operation.
Each of these parties had an interest in analyzing and interpreting one or more broad areas of business, especially its financial soundness and stability the efficiency of its management as well as future prospect for an investors.
- Ratio of the case study does not have meaning except is compared with same standard.
- The interpretation of ratio rendered in valid as a result of change in the value of money.
- The difference in definition of terms in the balance sheet and income statement make the interpretation of ratio different
- The ratio calculate at a point in time are less informative and effective as they suffer short term changes.
- The wide range of the bank operation have made it difficult to develop a meaningful set of industry average for comparism.
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