3.1 Introduction
According to Simon Bennett et al (2002), system analysis is defined as a process of seeking to understand the organization, investigating its requirements and modeling then. System analysis can also be referred to as the study of a business problem domain to recommend improvements and specify the business refreshment for the solution. (Jeffrey .L Whitten et al 2001) it is the result of this analysis activity that gives the specifics join of what the proposed system will do based on the requirements. System analysis is the study of a system and its component as a prerequisite to system design.
It is a problem solving technique that decomposes a system into its component pieces for the purpose of studying have well those components work and interact together to accomplish their purpose. Contemporarily, system analysis is a term that collectively describes the early phases of system development. There are many approaches to system analysis and these include structured analysis, information engineering, discovery prototyping, and object oriented analysis for the purpose of this project, the object oriented analysis will be used for the system analysis and design. System analysis is a very important aspect of system development because during the phase several fundamental decisions are made. During the analysis the system owner and user are specified because the system analysis is driven by to business concerns of the system owners and user, system analysis also reveals what the system would do and it helps the stockholder know whether the proposed system is technically, economically and operationally feasible.
3.2 Review of the Existing System
Processes to compute the payroll in most of the our schools like Houdegbe North American University is done manually. Records and payment details about each employed is kept in a personal emolument card and payment salary voucher, which are stored in files and eventually in a file cabinet. The harmonized public service salary structured used to determine the amount to be paid to employees, level and step. The net pay for each employee is gotten after subtracting the total deductions from the gross earnings.
Manual payroll system maintain data in a filling cabin et about each individual employee, payroll darks then use data in this file to calculate gross pay and to determine to amount of deductions. They also record in this file cumulative earnings information for individual employees. Non computerized system use a journal called payroll register, in which a payroll dark records the calculation for gross pay, deductions and net pay. In the manual system, personnel department screens applicant, authorizes the employees, initial pay rate, and creates the manual employment record and then sends a copy to the payroll departments. For salaried employees, this record authorizes a periodic pay check.
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