The research appraises the concept of digitization, its significance, features and challenges for the broadcast media in Nigeria.Communication is one of man’s most enduring resources of advancement and development. Its immense worth and contributions to the development of persons, institutions and public agencies, societies and nations etc have been recognized and applauded in all ages World Wide. This explains why there have been immeasurable sustainable investments in communication in both developed and developing countries. Such investments are made in all aspects and spheres of communication which includes technology, research, teaching and man power development, in forms of summits and conferences to explore potentials of human and material resources (technology) readily available that will consequently roboff on the society to enhance global communication practices as it is witnessed today. How communication has fared in the developing parts of the globe and how technological advancement has helped to improve the practice of communication in Nigeria forms the basis of these research. In this work, how technology has impacted communication, its negative and positive impacts wasexamined to find out the improvements in the field since the introduction of digital technological devices, and how consumers have fared in terms of reception; and how it has improved development and technological advancement in Nigeria.
1.1 Background of Study
On June 16, 2006, a resolution on digitization for broadcasters in Europe, Africa and Middle East as well as the Islamic Republic of Iran was reached in Geneva, Switzerland at an international conference organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). A deadline of 17th June,2015 was agreed upon for the effective take off of digitization of the broadcast media.
As part of the resolution, the ITU deadline refers to the digitization of TV Broadcasting only, while that of Radio was not determined yet. Furthermore, the ITU agreement allows for an additional five years to 2020 for many African countries including Nigeria. Accordingly, representatives of 120 countries including Nigeria adopted and signed the digitization treaty.
The document states, in part: “Digitization of broadcasting by 2015represents a major landmark towards establishing a more equitable, just and people-centered information society.
The advancement in development metamorphosed into globalization which gave birth to ICT. ICT is simply information communication technology. It is the communication and technology which involves the application of electronic equipment, especially the computer to the gathering analysis, storage, retrieval and transmission of information as part of mans effort to find solutions to the multi farious problems facing him (Mbam, 2006). ICT simply implies the use of computer soft and hard ware components, telecommunication equipment and electronics in finding solutions. It is the engine driving modem communication and the economy.
To further explain the concept ICT, there should be clear definitions of terms used in order to ease understanding:
Information is the collection of processed data or several items put together to convey a given message (Mbam, 2002) it can also be defined as the generated, stored, transmitted and retrieved set of symbols or signal it can come as digits and bits or prints for the print media; in modulations such as (AM) Amplified modulation (FM) Frequency modulation..