This research work was carried out on the development of aerosol insecticide using local raw material. This was made possible through careful and through review of some organic substances to obtain their various properties and characteristic under various conditions. The following promised to be active in the formulation of a biodegradable aerosol insecticide which is non toxic and capable of blocking the respiratory ‘mechanics’ of target insects, especially, the mouth sucking insects. The chemical substances are classified according to their sources. They are as follows:-
(A) The nature local organic compounds;’ they are refenone (an extract from lonchoearpus nunits or annun) citronellal (an extract from lemon grass) piperinal (a synergist) and solvents for extraction.
(B) The synthetic local organic compounds; they are DDVP (Dichloro- dimetty , vinyl phosphate, allethrich. Piperinal, simple paraffin, benzaldehyde and perfume.
In the formulation and production of these insecticides, some chemical process were involved such as pulverization (grind), folteration, extraction heating, stiring etc for the purpose of formulation different standard ratios were used. For instance, for natural local organic compound insecticide, the formulation was 60% by volume of rotenone, 30% by volume of citronellal and 10% by volume of the synergist (ie piperinal) and annyl alcohol. For the synthhetic one, the formulation was 0.5% by volume of DDVP, 0.45% by volume of allethrin, 0.35% by volume, 95% by volume of simple paraffin and 3.7% by volume of mixture of benzaldehyde and perfume.
In both products, they were found to be effective when tested. But it was found that the insecticide from synthetic raw materials had better efficiency than the one from natural raw materials.
From further test and observation, it was found that the insecticides has little or no effect on the environment.
Finally, the products were stored in a pressurized spray cans for use. Recommendation were made on the proper management of the insects and also conclusions were drawn to that effect.
Insecticides are agents, or preparation for destroying insects and related animals by disruption of vital processes through chemical action. To be more precise, insecticides are materials used for the metigation, control or elimination of insects or animals that are detrimental to human health and economy.
Recent discoveries of new synthetic insecticides led to major advances in insecticide technology. Coupled with development in aerosol biophysics, highly active chemicals can now be effectively applied to target species to give maximum control of insect peste. Armed with these techniques man is able to subdue and control pest of agricultural, veterinary and public health importance.