The advent of advanced technology, the complexity of morden governmental business have only made it more than necessary that politicians and careers administrators co-operate and coexist for public formulation and execution of. The two roles therefore should be seen as two sides of same fair coin, though with career civil servants as subordinate of the political class. The politicians is concerned with the democratic responsiveness of the government while the career administrator should be concerned with the technical effectiveness. Technical effectiveness here is used to describe the role of the career civil servant in planning the work to be done and reviewing of policy objective and goal, establishing and reviewing of organizational directives and supervision of employees, exercising controls and any other function which the purpose and goals of the policy may be added to this and therefore, the career civil servants cannot be devoured from policies.
Title page ———————————————i
Approval page ————————————– ii
Dedication ——————————————– iii
Acknowledgement ———————————– iv
Abstract ———————————————- vi
Table of content————————————- viii
1.0 Introduction ———————————-
1.1 Background of study ————————
1.2 Statement of problem ———————–
1.3 Objective of study ————————–
1.4 research questions ———————-
1.5 Significance of the study ———————
1.6 Scope of the study —————————
1.7 Definition of study———————
1.9 Definition of terms——————————
2.0 Literature review ————————–
2.1 Introduction ——————————–
(other functions of the topic)
References ————————————–
- Research Design and methodology————–
- Introduction ———————————-
- Research design ————————-
- Sources / Method of data collection ————-
- Population/ Sample size ———————–
- Sampling techniques ——————–
- Validity and Reliability of measuring instruments
- Methods of Data analysis —————
- Presentation and analysis of data —–
- Introduction —————————
- Presentation of data ———————
- Analysis of data
- Interpretation of result.
5.0 summary, conclusion and recommendations
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of finding —————————
5.3 Conclusions——————————
5.4 Recommendations———————-
5.5 References
Appendix ————————————-
This study is basically concerned with the role of relationship between political office holders and career officers in Owerri Municipal Council of Imo state. Local government administrator (or career officer) constitutes the machinery which propels or galvanizes the local government into initiation of its programmes and policies. Without the career officers, whatever policies or programmes the local government executive formulates aimed at achieving and improving the standard of living of the rural people will virtually come to naught.
In other words, local government career officers are indispensable for the achievement of the goal and objectives of the local government. The chairman and supervisory councilors who are political office holders’ deals with policy matters. They are concerned with the electoral mandate to meet the yeaning of the people on who they get into office, to achieve this objective they however, have to rely on the technical and administrative knowledge as well as support the career officers to translate most of their ambitions into reality. They have the responsibility of taking decisions with regards to formulate policy. The administrators on the other hand, are responsible for implementing these policies. Both politicians and the career officers need each other to operate efficiently.
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