The study focused on the comparative analysis of the academic performance of the well-behaved and delinquent students, in Esan-West Local Government Area. Three research questions were used to guide the study. The sample of the study comprised of one hundred and fiy (150) students who are senior secondary two of five selected secondary schools in Esan-West Local Government Area.
Data for this study was collected using questionnaire and the response was based on a 4-point Likert scale of Always true AT, O true OT, Sometimes true ST and Never true NT. Data collected were analyzed using Test.
The findings revealed that; there is no difference in the academic performance of well-behaved boys and delinquent boys, there is no difference in the academic performance of well-behaved girls and delinquent girls and there is no difference in the academic performance of students from intact and broken homes. From this it was then recommended that:
1. Individual and group counselling should be employed by the school guidance and councellors to correct these delinquent acts.
2. Teachers should establish an order of standard behaviour so that students can know what is expected of them.
3. The school principals must exert the types of leadership and inspiration that will result in educational growth of the students.
4. Government should employ guidance councellors in secondary schools.
The suggestion for further studies was also made.