This research focus on the comparism between Usmanu Danfodiyo University Model Secondary School and Government Day Secondary School Students’ Performance in English Language. This is with a view to finding out reasons for the differences in UDUMSS students performance in English Language and GDSS students performance. The study is a descriptive in nature and uses close ended questionnaire tagged student question on performance. The total of 80 students and 20 teachers respondent o the instrument. It was revealed that teachers competency school conducive environment are educators on students academic performance. The study finally recommended that teachers’ competency, use of educational technologies, giving students chances of practicing what they learn; establishment of language laboratories and assistance from governments, parents and others will help for better performance of the secondary schools students within Sokoto metropolis.
1.1 Background to the Study
The school activities which centered on teaching and learning were characterized by means of interaction and association using English Language as the dominant acceptable channel for social interaction or communication. The means of communication has become important for the understanding of all lessons or subject regardless of either it is language or others. This identifies the concept of teaching language across the subjects or the curriculum. In this respect examining the efficiency of teaching and the level of students understanding remain a center of teachers and planners concern. This implies that there must be a way, means of assessing both teachers and students academic activities in schools. One of this means of assessing schools, students, teachers and policies is the research on existing practices or structure of educational policy implementator. It is in the light of this position that this study want to examined students English Language performance in school of Sokoto metropolis. The schools involved are all government public secondary schools, but one of the schools i.e. is a class preference school going by its nature of preference in society (Mahuta 2007).However these schools are using the same curriculum and they are under the same National Policy on Education (NPE, 2014). Therefore, assessing their students performance in English language will be important to justify if there is performance differences and why in the schools. Considering the facts The researcher embarks on this study to compare the performance of students from Usmanu Danfodio University Model Secondary School (UDUMSS) and Government Day Secondary School Runji Sambo (GDSS) in English language.