Impact of the design and implementation of automated fee record system on management accountability is a research work that will help highlight the impacts of designing this information system for Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic. The designed automated fee record system serves as a more reliable and effective means of paying school fees and removing all forms of delay and stress that is involved in the manual system of school fee processing. This project work made use of data collected from library, internet and journals. The aim of this project work is to achieve the following; the analysis of effectively and efficiently process students school fee payment and clearance, to provide a reliable and transparent system devoid of personal inclinations and interest and to provide borderless access to ensure prompt clearance. The result obtained from this work was to design an efficient system that will help to enhance the payment system of school fees without any inch so as to give room for accuracy and transparency. In conclusion, the work met all the objectives intended. It is, however, recommended for use by all tertiary institutions.
1.0 Introduction
This chapter contains the theoretical background, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope and organization of the study. Theoretical background entails relevant theory or theories that best unfold the knowledge behind the research work and also state its areas of contributions. Statement of the problem describes the problem a researcher is trying to solve and the need for the research on the problem. Objectives of the study states relevant areas needed to work on. Significance of the study is about the contribution(s) that the research work would make to the case study, other relevant bodies or institutions. Scope of the study implies the areas that the research covers and what it does not cover is stated clearly to avoid ambiguity. Organization of the study as the name implies, gives a brief overview of the research on how the chapters are organized. And finally on chapter one, is definition of terms where a researcher defines keywords used in the study.
1.1 Background of the Study
Many schools have their own system to manage students school fee. Common practice is by recording the student school fee information in a record book. Students’ fee information is obtained from the registration bursary the students pay their fee. This practice has some weaknesses such as the longer time to search the student school fee status, the possibility of misplacement of record book and vulnerability of student record to be accessed by unauthorized person. In Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, several processes are put in place to monitor payment of school fee. These processes include creating students profile. After this, menus for fee payment are now created at the left corner of the students profile. The main fee menu is Fee Payment under which we have sub fee menus such as generate invoice, pay and reprint receipt. With this, the rate of forging receipts and faking school fee payment has been reduced. The system is designed in such way that a student cannot reprint receipt from the system without entering confirmation pin received form bank and if the pin is not valid, the system would not accept. Therefore, the researcher developed an automated result record system (ARRSystem) in order to manage student information and assessments. This system will help the school administration to manage students profile and lecturers to manage students’ assessments.
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