This research work focuses on effects of organization structure on employees’ performance (a case study of First Bank Plc.).The objective of this study is todetermine whether there is appropriate organisational structure in First Bank Nigeria and the extent it has contributed to their employees’ performances.The investigation was carried out with the use of questionnaire to gather information from the members of First bank plc.A number of 150 (fifty) questionnaires were distributed and analysed. This study used descriptive type of survey design and structured questionnaire was used to generate data. Descriptive statistics, correlation and t-statistics, was adopted for analysis of data and hypotheses testing. The result revealed that there is a significant impact of effective organization structure on workers performance and effective organization structure affects the performance of workers.It is recommended that having an organizational structure in place is very important for any organization; better communication and transparency is recommended.
1.1 Background of Study
In modern society, most people spend their working lives in an organization of some sort; therefore have first-hand experience of the corporate life. This study considers some of the findings and work that help to provide a better understanding of the nature of organizations which also includes the examination of the structural aspects of an organization and how it impacts on the performance of employees in an organization. An organization is a collection of interacting and independent individuals who work towards common goals and whose relationship are determined according to a certain structure. Arnold et al. (1998), this definition provides a useful starting point for an examination of organizations. The organization design is the overall arrangement of the various roles, processes and their relationships in the organization. It is a means to accomplishing the overall goal. The structure is not an end itself. Performances of employees are based on the influence of some factors (motivations) which are as follows: