Fifteen-Years back, an examination without pen, pencil and would have been absolutely beyond belief. But due to globalization people want to study online, to compete with the best of people across the world. The old system of pen and paper is definitely not going to work.
This brought about the introduction of online examination administrating systems which have made the exam process not hassle-free but also accessible to all.
However online examinations administrating system provides the student with question and also allow them to answer those questions by selecting the right answer provided from the given choices. Once the question are answer and submitted to the organization administrating the online exam, the software will score the student after analyzing his answers with the one already fed into its system. Once the evaluation is performed, the result of the exam is generated by the system based on its scoring method. The generated result comprising the student score, time taken for the exam to be complete and the number of student passing through the examination is then sent to the student.
Online examination administrating system brings in quality and efficiency to the process of conducting exam.
Online examination administrating system is a system that provides instant access to student result and notification whether they have passed the exam, secured and fast editing ability as student can delete whole paragraphs easily. These applications have various modules, subject and question management module, examination evaluating module and finally result generation module. This system provide as effective and efficient way of administrating exam.
The introduction of the proposed system will generally look into a way of solving some problems like employing examiners to invigilate and process exams, time wastage and errors in marking, processing scores as well as delaying student result. The system will reduce the chance of paper leakage as compared to the manual system and also reduce the situation being physically present in school before you take the exams thereby allowing people that study online to take exam as well.
By producing a system (Online examination administrating system) that will work efficiently and reduce data redundancy among other things.
In most educational institution, though they have a system used in administrating their examination; they still face a lot of problems, which affect both their student and the institution. Some of these problems include delay in publishing student result to notify whether they student have passed or not.
Unsecured examinations as there are greater chance of paper leakage, error in processing the student result as this is done manually.
Physical factor of the student being physically present before they take the exam, higher possibility of losing data and wastage of paper, ink.
The new systems addresses all the above redundancy and seek to develop a means of keeping the database updated by incorporating into the system a module that serves to give the user the opportunity to update.
This project therefore seeks to address all the above problem by designing and implementing a computer based system to administrate an effective online examination to those institution.
- To design new systems that effectively administer the student result through an automated system those not only serve a lot of time but give accurate and fast result.
- To develop a system that can securely store and backup the student scores for feature used and also reduce the chance of question paper leakage as it is restricted to the administrating only.
- To design a system that will provide a friendly user interface and also save time as answering of question is just a matter of click and also perform other functionality.
- To design a system that will administrate exam effectively and confidently gives paper and require no extra things like pen, pencil.
This study is most significant as it will provides more reliable, fast and efficient mode of administrating examination to both the old and new institution across the country as such reducing the cost of employing more invigilator, staffs even their heavy work bad and guarantee prompt and accurate result to the student .It will also help other co-operated bodies to administer their test to many applicant across the world.
With the propose system various level of institution and their student will have a great benefit from it that the old system.
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