1.1 Background of the Study
Long time ago, managers discovered a practical way to productivity which is to increase efficiency in job performance through motivation of workers. This research work discusses the impact of improved salaries and wages on motivation of workers in the public service. A case study of Akwa Ibom State Broadcasting Corporation (A.K.B.C) Uyo.
The concept of motivation has a lot of definitions, the advanced English Dictionary defines it as the psychological features that arouses an organization to act towards a desired goal, the reason for the action which gives purpose and direction to behavior, motivation is an act of providing incentives.
In Akwa Ibom State broad Casting Corporation increased productivity to a large extent depends on providing workers with what they need to improve efficiency in job performances.
The concept of improved salaries and wages to motivate workers is a strategy for increased productivity in an organization.
Historical Background of AKBC
The Akwa Ibom State broad casting corporation with the popular acronym AKBC is a public institution which was established by edict No.4 of April 1988. The corporation with its head quarters at No.3 Udo-Udoma avenue, Uyo transmits from Ntak-Inyang, providing both television and radio services. The ultimate in television broadcasting, transmit on channel 45 uhf. The radio station Christendi Radio Akwa Ibom, the voice of promise transmits on the frequency 90.5 fm. Both stations were in created 23rd April and 27th July 1991 by the then military president General Ibrahim Badamosi Barbaginda and the then military governor of the state (Dr. Idongesit Nkanga) respectively.
AKBC provides information, entertainment and educational services to the public, through professional television and radio services that gives adequate expression to the culture, characteristics and thinking of the government and the people of Akwa Ibom State and its environments.
In providing these services and activities their workers play a vital role because they distribute these services to the general public. Productivity in a services sector like the Akwa Ibom State broadcasting corporation, productivity is determined by how efficient workers are in their duty or job performance, therefore, increased productivity is a product of the quality and the number of services provided by the company.
Since the workers in this sector are the general public, their “needs” in terms of what they need to improve productivity should be given serious attention.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Various motivational techniques are been designed to create increase in productivity in Akwa Ibom State Broadcasting Corporation (AKBC). But, inherent in these techniques are problems that need to be addressed.
One of the problems is inadequate attention given to workers welfare such as health benefits, loans, goods and stimulating work environment, improved and timely payment of salaries, allowances and so on.
Another problem is that more should be done in the areas of training, re-training, seminars and workshops in all sections. Workers need to be updated on global and technological trends that have to do with their job for efficiency and increased productivity.
Another significant problem amongst others is the non- implementation of improved salaries and workers welfare packages such as health benefits, allowances, loans etc. adequate attention are not being giving to these. All other problems of workers staff in the corporation necessitate this research to find out whether improved salaries and wages did in anywhere impact on employees attitude to better the situation in AKBC.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main aim of this study is to motivate the workers and employees of Akwa Ibom state broadcasting corporation through improved salaries and wages for improved and increased productivity with the following objectives.
- to determine the various motivational techniques used by the corporation.
- to find out the problems existing in ill motivating staff
- to also determine how effective these techniques are.
- to investigate the major factors that will motivate workers for increased productivity.
- to examine the importance of improved salaries and wages on the productivity of the corporation.
- to make relevant recommendation based on findings.
1.4 Research Questions
The researcher seeks to answer the following questions
- what are the motivational techniques used in Akwa Ibom State broadcasting corporation?
- how often are motivational techniques implemented in the corporation?
- what impact does motivation have on worker’s productivity
- how significant is motivation of workers for increase productivity in your corporation?
- what are the major factors contributing the increase productivity and excellence service delivery in the corporation?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
- Ho: Motivation of workers is not a strategy for increased productivity in an organization
- Ho: Motivation of workers does not increase productivity and excellent service delivery in an organization
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study will be of immense benefit to Akwa Ibom State broadcasting corporation and other organization both government and private owned.
This study reveals weaknesses in motivational techniques used in the corporation. It will also reveal workers perception of motivation that is the kind they need for increased performance. This will help the management of this corporation and other organization to design a model for effective motivational techniques for increased productivity. This study will also be of immense help to scholars and researcher a like as it can be further improved upon on a broad bases to give credence to the fact that motivation of workers is very important to achieve increased productivity.
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