This research work investigated the use of mosquito nets among University of Ilorin Students in reducing the menaces of malaria fever. The purpose of the study was to determine the use of mosquito nets among the students of University of Ilorin. A total of 150 questionnaire where distributed among the students who were living in the hostel for the 2010/2011 academic session to find out use of mosquito nets among University of Ilorin Students in reducing the menaces of malaria fever. Five faculties were selected for the study because of high distribution of enrolment in the school. 30 question was given to each faculties in the hostels to elicit the information need for this study from the result gathered it was observed that 71.25% of the respondent were girls which shows that larger percentage of the population were female. Also it was observed that the Christian were larger percentage that the Muslim with 68.8%. the department that was chosen are the art, law, education, science and engineering. 10 questions were also distributed to students who were not part of the
study to check for the reliability of the instrument. Chi-square was use to analyse the result gotten from the student and it was discovered. The data collected was subjected to chi-square at 0.05 degree of freedom at alpha of significance. It was discovered that there is a great significant difference that exist in the awareness of the cause of malaria fever among University of Ilorin Students’. Also there is a great significant difference that exist in the attitude militating against the use of insecticide bed net among University of Ilorin students’. From the research work, the researcher concluded that government and some health organization should educate people in the cause of malaria fever and government should also collaborate with NGOs to supply ITNs and distribute to school especially those in the hostels.