This paper examines the Nigeria police and the challenges of security in Nigeria. Security of life and property are of the primary purpose of government. 1999 Constitution emphasize that the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of the government”. The government through the Nigeria police fulfills its obligation of security the nation. The following objectives were implemented; to find out whether corruption a challenge to police in curbing crimes in the society, to examine the cause of police corruption in Nigeria, to examine various facts of police corruption. The paper adopted survey method. 80 respondents were randomly selected from River state police command, Frequency and simple percentage were used to analyze the data. The findings reveal that poverty, unemployment, leadership and religion are the root causes of insecurity in Nigeria. The paper recommends that the effort of the Nigeria police alone cannot curb the rate of insecurity in the nation, meanwhile, police should be funded adequately and remunerated well as this will encourage their performance on the job.
Such as the policing of drugs and other illicit markets, that have the strongest link with or are closest to the invitational edge of corruption are also those which are generally subject to the least managerial scrutiny. Increasingly these areas are also associated with extraordinary large sums of money and therefore very high levels of (financial) temperature. Corruption control and prevention strategies enforces where corrupt practices have been rife a range of strategies have been implemented with the aim of reducing if not eliminating corruption. However, in many cases those forces have since again been thrown into crisis as corruption has re-emerged some period after the origin reforms. The central conclusion is that although it is unrealistic to think that corruption can be eliminated and that full-scale or organizational corruption can be prevented.
Interestingly, some key findings have emerged with regards to the nature and dynamics of police corruption showed an organized pattern of police corruption across societies. The review concludes with eleven keys messeges central to any understanding of corruption and which should underpin reforms introduced for its prevention:
- Police corruption is pervasive, continuing and not bounded by rank.
- Any definition of corruption should cover both financial and process corruption and should acknowledge the varying means, ends and motives of corrupt activities.
- The boundary between corrupt and non corrupt activities is difficult of define primarily because this is at heart an ethical problem.