This project research work has been designed to carefully and critically investigate and examine “The impact of over population in the socio-economic development of Nigeria’’ using Osisioma Ngwa Local Government in Abia State (particularly, Aba town) as a case study, it also contains some other sub-topics such as the causes of over population, benefits of over population, solutions to the problems of over population and the need for population study in Nigeria among others found in five (5) different but highly related chapters. This research project will significantly serve as a bulk of references to the government of Nigeria, in the formulation of realizable, effective and sound socio-Economic Development plans and policies in the country, also to students and other researchers who would wish to obtain information in this domain of knowledge. The concept of the impact of over population in the socio-economic development of Nigeria is necessitated by the recognition of the urgent need to tackle the negative implication of over population as strong anti-socio-economic development factors in Nigeria and the findings of this research if carefully implemented, world achieve a tremendous relief to the situation at hand.
Title Page = = = = = = = = = i Certification = = = = = = = = ii
Dedication = = = = = = = = iii
Acknowledgement = = = = = = = iv
Abstract = = = = = = = = v
Table of Content = = = = = = = v
Chapter One
- Introduction = = = = = = 1
1.1 Background of the Study = = = = = 2
1.2 Statement of the Problem = = = = 3-4
1.3 Objectives of the Study = = = = = 5
1.4 Research Questions = = = = = = 6-7
1.5 Significant of the Study = = = = = 7-8
1.6 Scope of the Study = = = = = = 8
1.7 Limitation of the Study = = = = = 9-10
1.8 Definition of Terms = = = = = = 11-13
Chapter Two
- Literature Review = = = = = = 14
2.1 Introduction = = = = = = = 14-15
2.2 Population and Nigeria Economy= = = = 15-17
2.3 Causes of Over Population in
Osisioma Ngwa LGA = = = = = = 18-24
2.4 Impact of Over Population on the Socio-Economic
Development of Nigeria = = = = = 24-35
2.5 Factors Responsible for the Rapid Growth of the Population of Osisioma Ngwa L.G.A = = = 35
2.6 Population Census Results and Diagrams Showing the Growth of the Population of Nigeria in
Different Years = = = = = = = 35-37
2.7 Measure/Ways of Controlling the Over Population of Nigeria = = = = = = = = 38-39
2.8 Efforts Made by the Government in Order to Adapt and Effectively Manage the Over
Population of Nigeria= = = = = = 39-41
2.9 The Need for Population Study in Nigeria = = 42 References= = = = = = = = 43-44
Chapter Three
- Research Design and Methodology = = = 45
3.1 Introduction = = = = = = = 45
3.2 Research Design = = = = = = 45-46
3.3 Sources/Methods of Data Collection = = = 46-48
3.4 Population and Sample Size = = = = 48-49
3.5 Sampling Techniques = = = = = 49
3.6 Validity and Reliability of Measuring
Instruments= = = = = = = = 49-50
3.7 Method of Data Analysis = = = = = 50
Chapter Four
4.0 Presentation and Analysis of Data = = = 51
4.1 Introduction = = = = = = = 51
4.2 Presentation of Data = = = = = 51-55
4.3 Analysis of Data = = = = = = 55-56
4.4 Test of Hypothesis = = = = = = 56
4.5 Interpretation of Result = = = = = 57-58
Chapter Five
5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation = 59
5.1 Introduction = = = = = = = 59
5.2 Summary of Findings = = = = = 59-60
5.3 Conclusion = = = = = = = 60-61
5.4 Recommendation = = = = = = 61-64
Reference = 64-65
Appendix= = = = = = = = 66
Questionnaires = = = = = = = 67-69
Over population is a very big threat to the socio-economic development of any given country most especially when the available resources is no where to carter for the needs and yearnings of the people coupled with bad leadership and governance or political instability as found in our country Nigeria. In the present day National Development pace, it is obvious to say that one of the biggest problems faced by any government of the country is the question of how to be able to extend its developmental projects and activities to all angles and entire members of the country, and their failure to do this, bring about negative influences and criticism to such a government or regime and also poses some constraints to the development of the country and yet the Nigeria’s population keeps increasing beyond the control of the government, as a result of these, Nigeria has been characterized with low standard of living, low quality of education, lack of social welfare packages, low per-capital income among others which are very harmful to the socio-economic development of the country and its reputation in the international communities.