Here, the researcher tries to summarize this research work. She tries to find out in this research work if there is any thing relationship between the retirement of personnel in Nigeria civil service and employment generation. In chapter one of this research work, the researcher discussed briefly about retirement. Chapter two centered on literature review that is, what the practitioners and professionals or the researcher have said about the subject matter of this work. The retirement procedure in Nigeria was also discussed in the chapter. There is a little discussion in the concept of pension and gratuity as a retirement benefit. Chapter three deals with research methodology, the researcher employs some tools like simple size, sources of data, questionnaire and sampling techniques, which help in the determination of the research. The chapter four deals with data presentation and analysis. It equally deals in research finding. Finally in chapter five, we have the summary, conclusion and recommendation. In the recommendation, pages the researcher suggested that all serving officers should be made to undergo pre-retirement training to help them prepare for their statutory retirement age. It is when due, that job opportunities can be created for the young school leavers.
Title page
Certification page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of contents vii
- Introduction 1
- Background of the study 1
- Statement of problems 3
- Objectives of the study 4
- Research questions 5
- Significance of the study 6
- Scope of the study 8
- Limitations of the study 8
- Definition of terms 9
- Literature Review 11
- Introduction 11
- Types of retirement 13
- Retirement as a social role 16
- Pension and gratuity as a retirement benefit 17
2.5 Retirement procedure in Nigeria 20
Reference 23
- Research design and methodology 25
- Introduction 25
- Research design 25
- Sources/Methods of data collection 25
- Population and sample size 26
- Sample technique 27
- Validity and reliability of
measuring instrument 27
- Method of date analysis 28
- Presentation and analysis of date 29
- Introduction 29
- Data presentation 29
- Analysis of data 37
- Interpretation of result 37
- Summary, conclusion and recommendation 39
- Introduction 39
- Summary of findings 39
- Conclusion 41
- Recommendations 42
References 43
Appendix 44
Retirement is an official withdrawal and final separation from one’s occupation or employment. It is the complete means or final separation from work force or it may denote the end of all contributory activity beyond that of self-maintenance.
Mitchel W.M (1972:UD). Retirement is an official withdrawal of all employee from service after years of satisfactory performance of his official duties. It is a state of honorable disengagement of an employee after acceptable number of satisfactory service. Parker S.V (a980:266). There are three types of retirement namely: Voluntary, compulsory and mandatory retirement. No matter the type, retirement remains and official withdrawal from service of an employee of an acceptable time when his predictive ability is on decline.
It is observed that when an employee reached his normal age of 65 years, that he is due to retire from job. This is done in order to employ more able bodied men who are capable and willing to work. Although when an employee forcefully or compelled to retire from his job by his employer, it is said to be compulsory or forced retirement of an employee.
Koor E.H (1959:121) Retirement serves as a means of reducing unproductively, thereby giving a way for employment generations of the able-bodied men, who are capable and productive to work. Retirement has steadily grown essentially in industrial services. The primary purpose of an adequate retiring system is staff improvement. When employees are left to work at very old age, there performance becomes poor and their continuance in office prevents the employment and promotion of other capable people. However, retirement is crucial because an aged employee cannot perform effectively and efficiently. There is need to employ more capable hands in an organization. Above all, it is a strategy in employment generation.
Retirement policy may be aimed at providing opportunity for employment generation for young school leavers. But this may impact negatively on the immediate family of the retired. In the face of these problems of retirement and problems associated with it, this research work has set out to ask some questions which are important to this research work. The questions raised by this research work is as follows:
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