Throughout history, human societies have continually strove to develop in one way or the other, although at different place and measure the development is a universal phenomenon commonly linked with human beings.
Everywhere, man is faced with the task of rising above his material limitations through providing for his needs and improving the quality of his material well being and efficiency of tools.
In this study, the concept of development is taken to the sequence of changes that is aimed as improving the socio-economic, political and cultural life of a people.
In this content of this work, community development may be defined as operationally as the conscious self help without the assistance from the government for the provisions of certain basic socio-economic infrastructure that basic necessary or required in the raising of the standard of living of the people while discouraging rural, urban drift.
In Nigeria, communities in different parts of the country have over years engaged themselves in several development activities in an attempt to provide some basic infrastructure that would make life more meaning to the members of their communities. They no longer wait or depend solely on their local, state or federal for provision of the development community has become popular, in recent times communities has become increasing more, and the unability of the various government to provide for them, all their needs. This trends of the development further call on various local institutions in the private sector, in other words non-government organization (NGO) to supplement government efforts in development of their localities.
The complementary role played by there community based association (CBA) such as community friends, age grade unions, woman associates , member of city club in the Agulu e.t.c have created some positive impact on provision financial assistance skills and provisions specific services.
Our major concern here is the communities based associates with participation reference to Agulu in Anaocha local government area in Anambra state.
It is also patient to mention that he role gab in condition of living existing between the rural and urban area has posed as services challenge to success government n Nigeria. The methods adopted to bridge the gap have even proven more pragmatic as there has never been a conscious on the best approach to use in developing.
This study is an attempt to took at a typical rural area in Anambra state (Anaocha local government area) and to see how it has been trying to surmount its development problems.
From the colonial era to the present attempt have been made to develop the rural areas with titles or no results. This the concept how has been written and discussed in recent years. Majority of rural area live in sub-standard houses poor environmental and unplanned rural communities. But the most strictly features is infrastructure such as hospitals, schools pipe-born water electricity, industries, good roads and recreational facilities are generally lacking in most Nigeria rural areas. Further more, the problems of unemployment, the wide different income between intellectual and manual labour of which is certain cases have reinforced each other cases have reinforced each other to result in massive rural urban migration especially among young productive age grade group.
In Nigeria at various levels, government have recognized the problems suffered by rural residents has not only been a top of discussion among lanners, academicians pollution and the press, but also has been a subject of significant attestation.
Since government alone cannot provide for all the needs of rural communities, it has intensified its dall on the rural communities non- government organizations and individuals to engage in self- help project as a way of complementing government efforts. Most government f federal , state and local levels in this respect have provided marching grant to assist communities and completed self help projects.
To a large extent, this new orientation is rapidly yielding some good results as most rural communities in recent times embark on various viable projects that accord hem a face new lease of life. Today a good number of communities in Agulu Anaocha local government area in Anambra state have in recent times especially from the 1970’s became development conscious as various organizations begin to emerge and successful embarked on several development projects in the area. Indeed community based on associations constitute a potential force in the development other their communities.
The purpose of his study is to ascertain the impact of Community Base Association (CBA) in the development of communities, particularly Agulu, Anaocha Local Government Area in Anambra State.
This work aims therefore, to example the contributions of Community Based Association (CBA) in the developmental process of rural communities in Agulu, it is also aimed at enlightening the public on the need or importance and role (CBA) in buying a face lift to the standard of living of rural communities development programmes by the association and the implementation of such programme Vis-a vis their effects on the development and welfare of the inhabitant of the Agulu people.
The study is intended to asses the role of community based association in rural development. The importance of this study lies in the hope that its findings would help to correct the enormous impression that rural people are opposed to change the result which would also serve as panacea in bringing about a change in policy formulation and implementation which fails to incorporate the local people.. it is hoped that the solutions, if properly adopte4d would lead to the speedily development of the rural areas and make Nigeria neglect majority to have a taste of good living.
Scope of study covers the general evolution of the activities of community development actors in the areas of rural development in Nigerian local government and Agulu in Anaocha local government in particular. The analysis will cover the impact of community based association and community development committee (CDC) as agents and ling between the various communities and government in rural development.
The work focused on the former and its community development programmes such as roads, schools, health facilities, water projects, electricity supplies.
In the main research, it took at project aforementioned and the role of community development in Agulu forms essentially the basis of basis of this study. However, the role of the communities concerned is also of paramount importance in the study because realize are considered in the approach which depend largely on the community themselves.
It is purpose of this research work address and provide answers to the following question
- What are the contributions of good/bad people in community based association?
- What are the role of community base association in community development to make life more meaningful to members of their communities.
- What are the contributions of community based association
The term development means different things to different people depending of the ideological beliefs on the issue in question and the period.
Perhaps Billy Dudley seems to pose the basic question about the meaning of the development, when the said “ to ask about unemployment” what has been happening to inequality.
Having seen the confusion inherent in attempt that we adopt a single definition as our working definition in this study. Nwogu observes that development therefore is the ability of a man to extract the natural and human resources for the betterment of the entire society.
The definition here, according to him, development is a multi dimensional process involving changes in structures. Attitudes and institutions as well as the in quality and eradication of true development. True development must means the development of a man unfolding and realization of his creative organized and discipline which is the moving force behind the socio-economic transformation of society.
Available literature on rural areas revisal that populations is the main characteristic that differentiate rural from urban area especially in the develop countries. Base upon this single characteristic (which is inadequately) Nigeria classifies any area with a population of 20,000 people and below as rural areas. Using the 1963 census figure of 55.5 million of people, over 44 million is 80% population in Nigeria are rural dweller.
Population is not only character feature of rural areas in Nigeria, is includes also indicators such as depreciation, degradation and deprivation.
In terms of conceptualization more often than not, we often go back to the united nations definition of development because it contains some useful element that are relevant to the third world countries. Community development is thus defined by the U.N.
The process by which the effort of people are with those of government Authorities to improve the economic, social and cultural conditions of the community to integrate these communities into the life of the nation and enable them contribute fully to national progress.
It was also defined at the Cambridge summer conference of Africa Administration held in 1984.
A movement designed to promote better living for the whole community with the active participation and if possible on the initiative is not forth coming spontaneously by the use techniques for arousing and stimulating it in order to secure its actions interest responses to the movement.
The distinguishing factor in community development is that, it signs a move by the people themselves in effort to improve their level of living through self help projects.
C.D.A according to Steve Tamuno constitutes democracy and development. In other words, they are the vehicles through which the issues and aspirations of the people or issues affecting their lives are articulated, harnessed and executed.
Non governmental organization is organization that is not by government, understand the community where exist the government agencies. They usually constitute the catalyst for the self-help in rural communities as they make effective use of traditional customs value and authority structure.
This is the third man group within the non-governmental sector, which operates in various forms and otherwise known as people association, grass-root association, self-help or membership support association etc. community based association refers to a broad or self help process and institutions with different structure and varying capacities and characterized by voluntary participation mutual benefits and accountable leadership.
This is a group of elected official of a community for the purpose of co-ordinating the self help development of that community.
Membership will include representatives of improvement Union, development association, age group, woman and youth organization traditional rulers and community heads.
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