The research work is on the role of information communication technology in student’s academic record. The sample of study consist of 45 respondents selected through purposive sample the following research question were answered, what are the function of ICT in student’s academic record, what are the component of ICT, what are the proper ways of funding ICT in students academic records, what are the problem militating against the role of ICT in students academic records and the strategies that can be adopted to over come the problem militating against. Funding also revealed that most of them acquired their skill of information communication technology (ICT) through their personnel in the department. Based on the finding conclusion of the study was drawn. Lastly, suggestion for further research study were made, include the usage of information communication technologies to the student academic record should cover the department.
Information revolution started a number of years ago and the role all the world has been good.
This revolution has brought about convergence of information communication technologies (ICT), which have remained at the centre of global, social and economic transformation. The information revolution and extraordinary increase in the spread of knowledge and information which affects directly economic, social, cultural and political activities of all regions of the world including Africa. Information and communication technology (ITC) is defined as computer-based tools used by people to work with the information and communication processing needs of an organization, it encompasses the hardware and software, the network and several other devices (video audio, everalphy camera) that convert information (text) images, sounds motion and others into common digital form.
ICT has made the shift from print to digital information possible which has created an impact on students’ academic records and information centres (Gbaje 2009).
This has enable on-line access and file transfer possible, with networking and resource sharing. Islam and Islam (2006) says that ICT as the role and publication of computers, telecommunication and microelectronics in the acquisition, storage, retrieval transfer and dissemination of information in students, academic records.
ICT is a significant development that provides effective took for managing the available of information generated in students, academic records. The prevalence and rapid development of ICT has transformed students’ information technology age to the knowledge.
In modern ICT based on students the information professionals handle various types of activities in relation to the role of computers and other new information technologies. Before the advent of information and communication technology. (ICT) is students academic records were the sole custodies of information which was predominantly in print. Today students’ academic record is struggling to keep their place as the major source of inquiry in the face of emerging digital technology.
In the modern world, the student’s academic record as information centres can hardly function today without computer and information technologies.
In the overview, the role of information and communication technology (ICT) systems in student’s academic record and information centres in common place all over the world.
This research work is therefore centered on the role of ICT as it enhanced the management of student’s academic record in Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri.
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