This study examines the effects of office leadership structure on the productivity of personnel in an organization. To achieve the purpose of the study, the survey research design was adopted, the study drew a sample of fifty (50) respondents from the population size using convenience sampling technique. Primary data were collected through questionnaire forms, while the chi-square statistical instrument was used for data analysis. Findings from the study revealed that the is excellent means of communication between the personnel and management of the organization for effective leadership structure, modern communication gadgets have helped to make this possible, the organization set goals and targets for the employees to meet and often pushes the personnel to meet up schedules, from the research question one, the findings revealed that there is effect of leadership structure on the productivity of personnel in an organization findings from research question two revealed that there is benefits of office leadership structure to personnel’s productivity, findings from research question three revealed that the is benefit of appropriate office leadership structure technology of the productivity in an organization of personnel. It was however recommended that personnel should have the most important piece of the office leadership structure in organization for productivity. that personnel should be the right person in the right job at the right time and with the right behaviors is essential to scale organizations, processes, and systems.
There is hardly any organization that does not have profit and growth as its main objectives. The growth of a firm is principally measured on the percentage of market share captured and client served. By deciding how to approach the markets and Customers, employees are place into different strategic positions to execute the strategies and pursue objectives established by the organization. The placement of organizational members into strategic positions of responsibility with authority with a view to achieving organizational objectives is structuring, hence organizational structure is sine qua non to continuous existence of every organization. Designing structure that fits company needs is a major challenge because appropriate structure determines performance of organization. Empirical evidence by Weir (1995) in his effort to establish the relationship between organizational structure and corporate performance concludes that firms that adopted appropriate structure yield higher profits than those that do not while Williams (1997) confirms a positive relationship between organizational structure and strategic planning. However, every structure has its advantages and disadvantages structure is depended on the type of of leadership structure in organization. Four aspects of leadership structure are considered: The number of layers in hierarch of the organization, the nature of formalization, the nature of internal and external boundaries that exist in the organization and the nature of technology (appropriate) adopted by the organization. The employee’s performance is represented by Supervisor’s rating, Quality and quantity, Goal accomplishment, Efficient and effective, Dependable and enthusiastic, Ability and capability. Given the importance of structure to the performance survival, and sustainability of companies and contributions of the brewing sector to the economy, this research therefore deems it necessary to investigate whether appropriate structure is a critical success factor for success of the organization in Nigeria and the extent it has helped in the performance of its employees. In recent years, there have been many organizations that are downsizing due to slow periods (Caudron, 1996). Typically, those workers that were laid off tend not to be rehired with the same organization, leaving them with no option but to start all over. This type of organization tends not to see the value of their workers. Organizations that do see the value of their workers create a culture of mutual trust between management and employees. This mutual trust has the opportunity to not only occur between management and employees, but also with customers and suppliers. These organizations are also known as high performance organizations (Phillips, 1997). The reason high performance organizations have high trust among co-workers as well as among management is because they empower their employees. This empowerment requires management to place trust in the workers to finish the task(s) they are assigned to complete (Costigan, Ilter and Berman, 1998). An organizational climate of trust enables employees to surface their ideas and feelings, use each other as resources, and learn together. Without trust people have a tendency to keep to themselves, rather than share their thoughts, which inhibits creativity (Jordan, 1999). Individuals want to work in an environment of trust and respect where they have the ability to make contributions to the organizational goals and objectives. They want to be able to have the opportunity to show management that they can accomplish a task with the creativity obtained from working in teams. High performance organizations offer individuals the opportunity to obtain the level of success they desire. According to the U.S. Department of Labor Office of the American Workplace (1994), Workers gain the opportunity to make informed decisions that will affect the service or product they offer. When combined with information sharing, the result is greater job satisfactions and an employee commitment to high quality and increased customer satisfaction.
High performance organizations share any information regarding the organization with their workers. This sharing provides workers with the knowledge they need to perform their job well and to enjoy what they are doing. The literature review section will discuss each component (trust, job satisfaction, and high performance organization vs. traditional hierarchical organization) further.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The leadership structure is faced with mixed performance. Evidences from the leadership structure in some organization confirm that quite a number of organizations are performing very poorly due to bad leadership structure, in some cases, they goes into liquidation, while few others are performing excellently well using all known performance indicators. The essence of this study is to determine whether adopting appropriate structure is one of the critical success factors that supports productivity personnel that are performing well in the sector and the extent to which appropriate structure has help the performance of its personnel. However, the studies have established that efficient and effective performance depend on the designing and adoption of a fitting structure by the organization, in other words, no effective and efficient leadership structure if the structure of the organization does not support the people who work within the system that provide the key element to determine its success.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study was to assess the effect of leadership structure on the productivity organizational personnel in an organization. Drawn from the above broad purpose are the following specific purposes:
1. to determine the effect of leadership structure on the productivity of personnel in an organization?
2. to know the benefits of office leadership structure to personnel’s productivity?
3. to ascertain the benefit of appropriate office leadership structure technology of the productivity in an organization of personnel.