Liquidity is crucial to the on-going viability of any bank as liquidity can have dramatic and rapid effects on even well capitalized banks.
When a crisis develops in a bank as a result of other problems such as deterioration in asset quality, the time available to the bank to address the problem will be determined by the liquidity therefore, the measurement and management of liquidity are amongst the most activities of banks.
The term liquidity means the ease with which an asset
can be turned to cash with certainty Orjih John (1996:152).
Liquidity in banks can be defined as the capacity of the bank to meet promptly its current obligations that is its customers demand.
A bank is considered to be liquid when it has sufficient cash and other short term financial instruments like treasure bill, treasury certificate and call money in its portfolio together with the ability to raise funds quickly from other sources to enable it meet its payment obligation and other financial commitments in a timely.
How much liquidity to hold and in what form constantly disturbs bank management. Banks are also required to comply with the cash reserve requirements (CRR) set by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).
During periods of expanding economic activities banks are frequently faced with attractive loan situations, which can only be met if banks maintain adequate liquidity.
In Nigeria, Banking activities are registered strictly by the banking act of 1969 was amended under the control of the central bank of Nigeria. As a result of these regulations the banks required to hold specific assets equal to certain other liability in liquid form. This is known as the cash reserve requirement (CRR), liquidity ratio and stabilization securities issued by the central bank.
The most profitable activity of a commercial banks is the lending of money by loan or overdraft but every time a bank increases its advances to customers it increases at the same time the amount that are likely to be withdrawn in cash. Most borrowers simply wish to be able to draw cheques up to the amount of their overdraft but some of them may want cash and in general a certain proportion of loans will be taken in cash. This banker is torn between two conflicting motives: On the one hand he would like to expand his loans in order to make more profit and on the other hand, he is anxious to hold sufficient cash so that he can at all times fulfill his obligations to pay cash on demand J.L Hanson (1970:37).
The impact of liquidity problem:- This is the purpose of this study to look at problems encountered by bank managers responsible for liquidity management.
It will also focus on guidelines set by the CBN and other regulatory body for the development of liquidity management in Nigeria banks.
Finally, the impact of liquidity problems will be looked at on how it affects profitability, loans and advances to customers of commercial banks and the Nigerian economy.
The objective of this study on the impact of liquidity problem is to find out.
1. If the CBN has enough policies or guidelines put in place to help the banks fight this problem.
2. To find our banks for the correction of this problem.
3. The overall impact of liquidity problems on loans and advances to customers of the commercial banks.
4. To find out the liquidity problems in relation to customers deposit.
5. The profitability of commercial banks in Nigeria.
1. What is the impact of liquidity problems in the Nigerian banking industry?
By this we main how the effect of excess cash holding by banks in their vault affect their progress and equally how the non-holding of cash affect their transportation too. This effect could be negative in that making banks to give out loans and banks.
2. How important is liquidity management?
Liquidity management is very essential in that liquidity transcends the individual bank, as a liquidity short fall in a single institution can have system-wide repercussions. Consequently, the analysis of liquidity requires bank managements to measure, not only liquidity positions of their banks, on an ongoing basis, like also to examine how finding requirements are likely to evolve under crisis scenarios.
Both are interwoven in a particularly way in that in providing for liquidity one has to also check out ways of being profitable.
Liquidity is maintained by banks for the primary purpose of meeting depositors demand which will help this banks to have a good standing and reputation with the public. On the other hand banks are set up to make profit and their profitability portion is an index of measuring the performance of the bank. Which will also help them to meet up with their own financial obligations. Orjih John (1996:152-154).
The significance of this research work is aimed at getting relevant information and solutions to liquidity problems facing the banking sector in Nigeria.
The researcher hopes it will be of immense benefit to the following sectors.
i. The banking sector in Nigeria especially bank managers involved in liquidity management.
ii. The government sector.
iii. The monetary and fiscal policy department of the central bank of Nigeria.
iv. Finally for countries facing similar problems.
LIQUIDITY:- This is the ability of a bank to meet promptly, its current obligations. This simply means the capacity of the bank to meet its customers demand as and when due liquidity problem.
In this case a bank may be suffering from shortage of cash in its vault to meet its current obligations liquidity ratio:
It is the cash requirement held by banks as directed by CBN. It is the ratio above which banks may not raise its loans and advances relative to its liquid assets.
This is cash deposited by the customer to the bank, which can be withdrawn at anytime.
These are by far the largest assets of the commercial banks. The lending system of the commercial banks can be in the form of loans and overdraft facilities. This is one of the major ways profit is made.
This is the amount of notes and coins held in the strong room of all the head offices of banks and in other branches to meet customer’s demands for cash withdrawals. Cash reserve does not yield income. It is the most liquid of all the assets.
Money at all is the shortest maturity instrument and it is the next liquid item after cash. It is an arrangement whereby banks borrow money from one another on overnight basis.
These are short-term instruments issued by the central bank of Nigeria to raise finance for the federal government, its maturity is usually for 91 days.
These are short-term instruments issued by the government with maturity period of one to two years.
Defined by the CBN as the combination of measure designed to regulate the value, supply of money in an economy in consonance with the expected level of economics activity.
Fiscal involves the use of government income and expenditure instruments to regulate the economy.
This is the proportion of banks total deposits liabilities (Demand, Savings and Time Deposit), Certificate of deposit, promissory notes and other items held in cash balance with CBN.